I found my trusty cherry pitter and here's how that works:
You can tell I've been shopping by the full and puffed out skirt of my crocheted Kitchen Kitty (that actually turned out looking more like a mouse.) That's where I store my plastic shopping bags now instead of stuffing them in an empty space between the wall and the the refrigerator (like I used to do.)
The produce department looked especially inviting today as they have revamped and reorganized that section and I must say, it looked pretty nice. I complimented the produce manager, who was very happy to hear this. I might do it in a follow-up letter. Hopefully they'll keep it up. She even told me that she'll try to order some organic carrots for me since I use a lot of those.
The strawberries looked nice, so I got some to make a red, white and blue fruit medley with a bit of honey:
These strawberries, however, will last me for a good long while:
I have more to show you, but I don't want to bore you. I'm just very happy to have met you all and am really enjoying this blogging experience and meeting so many like minded women on the internet.
For now, I'm content: the fridge is full - the bills are paid (as much as possible), the animals have what they need, so let the snow storm begin! (yeah, right - wishful thinking!)
July 4th is just around the corner; I hope you're planning something fun with the family - or like me, the Gizz! I will most likely go for my usual early morning walk around the lake and then settle in for a Netflix movie while Gizzy snoozes. I have a tentative plan to visit my two friends (the crafty sisters) with a homemade blueberry pie for us to share..we'll see!
Hi Doris, the berries look great! I hope you and Gizzi have a nice weekend! I am hoping for a nice quite one! It's going to be nice and warm and I just want to relax!
Have a happy Fourth of July!
I NEED some cherries after seeing this! I haven't found any yet this season. I better get on the stick and start lookin'
Good Morning Beautiful!
Happy Independence Day to you! Your berry breakfast looks scrumptious!
I'm like you Doris...I am quite content, my bills are paid again for another month, I have everything I need, am grateful for what I have, and will stay inside on the 4th, out of the heat as it is supposed to be a nice steamy 90 here. When the Fireworks display goes off, which our town provides, I will be out watching it from my deck. I won't have to battle any crowds to get a good spot, as I can see them from my back yard. My children and grandchildren always go to my Son's house and he puts on a huge show each year, joined by several men of the same area...they spend way too much money but the kids all love it and they are fairly safe with it so I don't worry to much. They've been doing that for years, as long as it is not too windy or conditions that would not be conducive to setting off the fireworks...they are legal in his area where he lives. We used to all pile in the car and go to the river to watch them but now they have their own traditions. I prefer to stay at home. Your day sounds like it will be nice too! I loved your pretty bowl you have your berries in!
Enjoy your weekend and talk with you soon! Many Blessings Dear One!
Those cherries look so yummy... We got some at the store the other day and boy were they expensive. But we do love cherries, especially the girls... I also like your mouse (handmade by you, I bet) and the strawberries Doris made for you. Very cute.
Hallo Doris,
nein ees ist ganz lieb von Dir das Du mich so liebevoll erwähnt hast.
Bei uns ist schon alles gespannt in 1 Stunde geht das WM Spiel Deutschland - Argentinien los.
Die Chips sind kalt gestellt und die geträ#nke im Ofen ... nein natürlich nicht. Wir haben draußen inzwischen 40 Grad und schmelzen so langsam dahin.
Heute morgen habe ich meiner Freundin auf dem Flohmarkt gekolfen und so einiges schönes gefunden , das werde ich sicher noch heute ihrgentwan einstellen. mal schauen!
Ach , wir sind schon alle ganz aufgeregt , ich wünsche mir ja das unsere Jungs das schaffen. Aber Argentinin ist echt schwierig. Zumal wir eine Mannschaft haben die im Durchschnitt nur 23 Jahre alt ist. Aber sie haben Pfeffer im hintern.
Also meine Liebe, schön das Du wieder da bist , denn wenn ich ehrlich bin hatte ich dich schon vermisst.
Bei uns gab es heute zum Mittag selbstgemachte Quarkspeise und dazu frische Erdbeeren. Das waren 1,5 kg habe wir drei razeputz aufgegessen.
Tschüss Daumen drücken nicht vergessen
Ach , nein ich war kein Einzelkind, ich habe 2 kleine Geschwister, aber meine Fantasie war schon immer berühmt und berüchtigt. Und inzwischen habe ich ja auch meinen Man und meinen Sohn, zusammen laufen wir immer alle zu höchstform auf, ich liebe das. Es ist so schön wenn alle so durchgesreht sind.
Lovetj the cat baggie holder! I actually am doing that very same pattern (as well as my turkeyzilla tote) I have all the "cart parts" made but haven't decided on colors for thw dress yet.
Happy 4th! Be safe and celebrate our freedom!
Hi Doris, I love checking in on you everyday to see what you are up too. You have the month started off great -- stocked with food and bills paid! Wish that was me. Those cherries are so pretty. Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Hallo Doris,
Deutschland ist im Halbfinale.
Wir haben Argentinien 4 : 0 geschlagen. war ein Wahnsinnsspiel!
Ich wünschte Du hättest es gesehen!
Unsere Jungs haben sie in Grund und Boden gespielt.
WHat a neat device, I didn't even know they made cherry-pitters! :)
I need to find somewhere around here to go berry picking. I haven't looked, but that does seem like a fun way to spend the day! :)
Hi Doris, can I come over for some of the delicious fuit?!? I remember our old fashioned cherry pitter and having to pit hundreds of cherries when our sour cherry tree ripened for my grandmother to make jam. Now it seems so wonderful, but as a girl I was not too fond of the chore. Plus, I preferred sweet cherries...
Enjoy the breeze (we turned the A/C off as well) and the cooler weather! I talked with someone the other day who said that this has been the hottest June since 1887 (or some such date) in Georgia! I can believe it!!
Happy 4th to you all!! Love, Silke
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