Wilhelm Busch (15 April 1832 – 9 January 1908) was a German caricaturist, painter, and poet who is famed for his satirical picture stories with rhymed texts.
When I was young, growing up in Germany, I enjoyed reading the stories of Wilhelm Busch, especially the shenanigans of Max and Moritz (pictured above.)

Wilhelm Busch, painter, early cartoonist, and most beloved of all German poets, was born April 15, 1832, in the village of Wiedensahl near Hannover in Lower Saxony, Germany. His greatest ambition was to emulate the Dutch and Flemish masters - Rubens, Hals, Brouwer, Ostade. Instead, he "stumbled into immortality", as the first German Federal President, Theodor Heuss, once put it, through a few caricatures he was asked to do for the satirical magazine "Fliegende Blaetter" (Flying Pages) that was founded in Munich in 1848.
He soon started to add his own humorous verses, and his cartoons became longer and more elaborate; he can be regarded as the father of the modern comic strip, and wherever an Englishman would quote Lewis Carroll's "Alice", a German is likely to quote Busch.
Although famous in his later years, he lived quite withdrawn and despised the fuss he thought was made about him. The "Hermit of Wiedensahl" died a confirmed bachelor on January 9, 1908, but his slapstick humour and his unforgettable characters live on forever.
My Papa, who also enjoys reading his works, sent me this now 50-year old book back in 1992. I "found" it again today whilst rummaging through my closet for some yarn. I look forward to re-reading it and reminiscing about my youth in Germany.
And here's s little poem and caricature about a dance party at the pond:
Es machen sich die Fliegen
Ein luftig Tanzvergnügen.
Der Frosch, der denkt: Nur munter!
Ihr kommt schon noch herunter!
The flies are dancing high above
The frog thinks: Make merry!
You'll be down here soon enough!
Remember to enter my Giveaway!
Hallo liebe Doris,
You brought back such memories of my childhood. How often did I read Max und Moritz, und natuerlich auch viele seiner anderen Geschichten. It's nice to be reminded of ones childhood from time to time. Thank you for that. do you remember other childhood books, like Nesthaekchen?
Well, would like to wish you a wonderful weekend ahead and am looking forward to reading more from you. Till soon, take Care!
Hi Doris,
I love books like yours. I have a couple of nice ones. That was a nice post!
I have never cross stitched, way to hard for me! I love crewl though, much easier!
Have fun!
Oh my goodness! Doris, I remember Max und Moritz!! What a treasure of a book you have, and love, love, the poem with the frog!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Liebe grusse,
I removed the previous comment because it was a duplicate, but thank so much for commenting everyone.
Isn't it fun to go back in time once in a while to reminisce?
Such a fun post! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Looks like quite a character!
How very delightful Doris! I learned something new today from your posting as I didn't know of Max and Moritz. I adore old children's books.
Have a Beautiful Day!
Oh, Doris, how I love Wilhelm Busch! I have read every book of his several times, even as a young girl and many of his lines and characters come to mind on a weekly basis - Max und Moritz, Fipps der Affe, Plisch und Plum, Die Fromme Helene, usw. Were there other German books you loved? From your childhood? My aunt once gave me the Pucki series. Did you read those? Oh, I loved them... Such great memories!! Love, Silke
P.S. I'd enter your giveaway, except that I don't cross stitch anymore...
Hallo doris
Herzlichen dank für Deinen Kommentar. Ich bin immer wieder froh das Erik immer so schnell wieder gesund ist. Jetzt ist er gerade bei Oma um sie ein bißchen zu unterhalten. die wohnt ja nur ein paar eingänge weiter. Ich wünsche dir und deinen Lieben ein schönes Pfingstfest. Bei uns scheint endlich seid 2 Tagen die Sonne und es ist schön warm. Ich wünsche Dir ein bißchen Regen, damit ihr nicht mehr so schwitzen müßt.
Alles liebe
What a great book and the pictures are so charming...im going to go get in my jammies and you come over and read to me......thank you doris
I own the same book!! :) Lovely pictures are'nt they? Great that you have found them again!
Interesting! I'd heard of his name but never seen or associated with his art. The first thing I thought was that the woman in the first picture on the right looks very Dr. Zeus ish. Hmm.
I've never heard of him, but I like his drawings. What a nice way to remember a part of your childhood!
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