In memory of Gizzy, my little boy with the fly-away ears. He was my inspiration, my muse and my best friend on four legs.
Gizzy in Heaven!

I love you forever and ever, Amen!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday morning bath at Lake Irma
Let's take an example from our fine feathered friends, who are happy and rejoice in the day that our Lord has made...I have learned so much from observing the animals - they live in the moment and take every opportunity to be joyful - if you let them!
Have a wonderful day and Happy 3rd Advent Sunday tomorrow, when we will be lighting our 3rd (pink) candle.
On the third Sunday of Advent the pink, or rose-colored, candle is lit. This pink candle is customarily called the "Shepherds Candle" and it represents JOY --- so, let's be joyful and remember the real reason for the season! Let's rejoice and be glad for unto us a Saviour is born! Hallelujah!!!
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I love the video, but mainly because I get to hear your voice and see a live picture of Giz! A nice treat!! He does know how to pick just the perfect spot! Oh, reindeer Giz on the sidebar is beyond adorable!
Oh Doris...I actually teared up when I heard your beautiful voice...I'm a sentimental old girl, lol!
I was very much enjoying watching the waterfowl and sitting by the lake enjoying the Water Energies make it so inviting!
Wise little man that Giz is laying in the shade!
I hope you do more of these kinds of videos...I just love them and I agree that we need to take lessons from the animal kingdom...they do know how to live in the present moment and love as Purely as God!
Blessings and Sweet Dreams Beloved!
P.S. I loved your sharing of the Advent Candle and its meaning Doris. Rejoice!
How cool was this video - we too loved hearing your beautiful voice - lovely accent you have. Thanks so much for putting some smiles on our faces tonight.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
My daughter and I had big goofy smiles on our faces just watching your lovely video and hearing your voice. Thanks Doris, for sharing your little corner of the world, oh and Gizzy too!
Hallo Doris,
ein sehr schönes Video zeigst du uns da. Du scheinst viel Spaß zu haben mit deinen Vögelchen.
Ist bei euch wirklich noch so ein Wetter?
Bei uns taut es gerade, nachdem wir schon den ersten dicken Schnee und Frost hatten. Jetzt soll es ab morgen wieder kalt werden.
Ich liebe das!
Winter-meine Zeit.
Du fragtest nach Grizzly. Klar sitzt der immer in der Küche rum, wenn es etwas abzustauben gibt. Er hat ja auch immer Erfolg mit seiner Lieb-guck-Kulleraugen-Masche ! ;O)
Wer kann da schon hart bleiben.
Ich wünsch dir einen schönen 3. Advent
Oh Doris, how nice to hear your voice!.. And I LOVE to see the geese and feed the ducks! We've had problems in my area, where some people don't like the geese. People think they're dirty, even want to SHOOT THEM!.. And then the poor things have no where to go!.. LONG story, but I'm sure you get the gist of the situation.. It's upsetting to me, and I wonder "who are we?!" to be treating God's creatures the way we do sometimes! I think the Canadian Geese are beautiful birds, and I love to see them whenever I can, so I loved your video! It's nice to see little Gizzy too!!.. Such a sweet boy he is!... Hope you're enjoying your weekend! ((hugs)) ~tina
Good morning Doris. I hope that the joy you receive is as much as the joy you give. What a delightful video, so nice to hear your voice and to see "the boy". He is a darling! Blessings to you.
So lovely Doris..and peaceful. Nice to have voice go with the picture..and gizzy with those reindeer antlers..toooooo cute...he is a good willing participant...that boy....
have a happy day..I enjoyed going to thelake with you and Giz
I love your accent.
Gee is there any thing in the world you can't do? Now you are a a movie maker too! Love the ducks and Gizzy and of course - your voice. The lake is so nice.
Hallo Doris,
jetzt komme ich auch mal wieder endlich dazu dir einen Kommentar zu schrieben. Wir haben die Mondscheinschlittenfahrt das erstemal im letzten Jahr gemacht. Eigentlich um Erik richtig müde zu bekommen weil er in dieser Zeit einfach nicht zum schlafen zu bekommen war. Inzwischen ist es das schönste überhaupt. wenn mein Mann Abends auch mal da ist nehmen wir unseren Schliutten , gehen rüber in den Park. Und erik tobt rum wie ein kleines Füllen. Die Atmospere ist immer so romantisch und schön. Meine beiden Männer rodel gerne den Hexenberg runter. Ich liebe es ihnen zuzusehen,wie die Mützen vom Kopf fliegen. das muß man wirklich mal gemacht haben. Heute haben wir sogar die Sternschnuppen gesehen so klar war der Himmel. Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Fest mit deiner kleinen Maus.
Alles liebe aus Übersee,
Just catching up on a few posts here! Loved your video about the morning bath! How lovely! Hmmmm, those icicles look pretty but walking on that slippery stuff is not! Hope you get your snow - we did this evening! Luckily we park underground and don't have to clean the car or shovel anymore!
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