Gizzy and I had a shower together this morning and he’s all clean and fluffy and King Tut…etc. He knows he’s got it going on! Oh, yeah, baby!
On the way down to the lake I pass several of these bushes in all colors and varieties – one bush even had both kind, solid and striped.
There’s these pretty single layer white ones – one of my favorites, but they don’t seem to last as long.
I was just playing with the photos on Picasa:
Mom, what are you doing?
Anyway, this was just a preview of what’s to come, because I took a lot of pictures today and two movies because I wanted you guys to hear all the birds chirping and tweeting and the bees buzzing – yes, we have tons of bees already swarming around the blossoms of the trees that are starting to open …ok maybe I can do just the bee pictures today and save the rest for later:
I took this photo against the sun, so all you can see is the silhouette of the bird, but he was as happy as I was on this glorious, cloudy and sunny day. He’s just singing his little ole heart out on the tip of that branch – singing his song onto the Lord giving thanks for being alive – that’s exactly how I felt today!
Then, to my surprise, I saw this Bradford Pear starting to bloom and it was full of bees – I actually got some good photos of some of them:
You can see the old fruit from the previous blossoms still on there – they are all still falling off…
I was looking up and got this big ole Zeppelin…incoming!!!!! (look in the center!) That's a honey bee from below!
These photos are of the regular pair tree (don’t know the proper name) but in the late summer/fall, I harvest them and cook them into the best pear compote because they’re not really fit for eating raw…they’re kind of green and hard, but delicious when cooked.
I have a whole bunch more from today and I’m having a problem with signing into my You Tube account to upload my two video clips…when I get prompted to sign in, I get the error message back saying “Account Migrated” – whatever that means…I know I’m at 93% with Picasa/Google/Blogger, so maybe that could have something to do with it. It’ll be my own personal little challenge that I want to forget right now because I’ve got to get serious and do some work!
Hope you enjoyed the blossoms! I figure since I don’t get any snow, I get the white blossoms of the tree and that reminds me of snow, especially when they are all open and in full bloom! Cheerio!
Gizzy is so cute! the flowers r beautiful
Hallo Doris,
auch wir hatten heute einen schönen sonnigen Tag. Allerdings mit Temperaturen von - 11 Grad. ich sag dir das ist kalt auf dem Rad. Allerdings nur im Gesicht, der rest Steckt unter Mütze, Kaputze, Handstulpen und gefütterten Lammfellhandschuhen. Also ich sehe echt wie ein Eskimo aus. Aber die Luft ist im Moment so wunderbar klar, es ist richtig schön zu fahren. Du wirst es nicht glauben aber ich geniesse das wirklich!
Alles liebe an dich un Gizzy
Those camelias are beautiful... and of course, so is Gizzy!
Oh, Gizzy looks so cute lying there in all the flowers. AND what gorgeous camellias!!! The colors are so pretty. Our Bradford pear trees have been dropping fruit on the driveway all winter, squishy and messy - and Thunder and Ciara just love to try to grab them and eat them. They are pretty when in bloom, but annoying too. And ours give off the most putrid smell. As you can tell, not so fond here of those pear trees:)
Can't wait to see more photos - you got some great ones here.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I love camellias! I have three of them still in pots that my hubby had dug up where everything was being bulldozed for a new commercial building. Mine have yet to bloom so I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at your photos! Our honeybees are going full blast too although we did lose a hive this winter. Now there are only three left although they are quite full with bees so we have new hives ready for when they make their queens.
Hope your weather stays gorgeous! Ours is suppose to have rain later this week, but I'm enjoying today!
Doris, the pictures are absolutely gorgeous. The one with the bee in the center, what a shot! And of course, little Gizzy, how adorable.
Süsser Gizzy! Eine wunderschöne Blütenpracht habt ihr da drüben. Man könnte fast neidisch werden.;-)
Herzliche Grüsse, colette
What wonderful pictures, the flowers are so beautiful!
Rudy's Raiser
Great pictures, I love the ones of Giz and the camelias. We don't have camelias here, or maybe I just didn't know what they were. Love the bee shots!! now I can't wait to hear those birds and bees! Do you have a video camera or do you do it with your regular camera?
Gizzy is so cute and the flowers are beautiful!
I wish it was warm enough here for flowers. We did have several spring-like days but they diddn't last. It's snowed the last 5 or 6 days in a row. The snow hasn't stuck but it's sooooo cold out! I'm ready for the warm weather to hit and stay!
The flowers are so pretty. Gizzy looks so soft and fluffy after his shower. I could reach right out and pet him. That reminds me that Duke is in need of a shower too
These are beautiful flowers, and you take beautiful pictures Doris. I see you are at 68 degrees, nice. We are about 17...I'm not ready for heat and humidity, but a little warmup would be nice. Thinking garden and ordered some seeds today... Gizz looks so fluffy, love him laying in the petals....he could be on a dog calender...he could be in pictures...the zepplein, is it ia bug..I did a close up, or a real zepplein...the way it is shaped...I'm thinking a bug?
Deine Camelien sind ein Traum.
Hier ist es so kalt.
ich sehne mich nach blühenden
Alles Liebe
Doris - those are so pretty and a sure sign spring is there already. The flowers are beautiful - I can't believe they are blooming already. We haven't got any yet.
And Gizzy - how handsome he looks - all cleaned and blown out!
Hi Doris. What a gorgeous yard you must have; it's so filled with color and insect life. Love the zeppelin bee. Don't you love it when happy little accidents like that happen? No snow ever where you are at? Me neither, though I certainly did have some snow adventures this past week. Come visit and see.
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