... no, not an open fire, but a baking sheet in my oven. How lucky can I get! A couple of dear friends just stopped by and brought me these lovely chestnuts from their trees...just picked and they even removed the stickers for me.
I always used to see just one kind of Chestnut tree in Germany. We called them Kastanien. I just learned from one of my readers that there are edible and non-edible ones, called the Horse Chestnut. Below is a photo of the edible chestnuts. They have a spikier shell.

The following is a picture of the non-edible Horse Chestnut.

Thankfully, my two friends know the difference!

Here are the ones I baked in the oven. I criss crossed them on top and they popped open and taste oh, so sweet and good.

Warm, kind of chewy and bread like, they go great with a cup of fresh coffee. Hey, I have more. Come on over and I'll share!
Did you know that
Chestnuts are very healthy and that they are the only nuts allowed on some reducing diets? You can read more
here, but this gives you a quick glance of the nutritional value of Chestnuts:
Water (g) 48.2 84.8
Protein (g) 3.4 0.2
Fat (g) 0.2 0.1
total Carbohydrate (g) 32.1 14.0
Sugars (g) 3.3 1.0
Energy (kJ) 730 230
Dietary Fibre (g) 14.9 0.1
Calcium (mg) 17.6 7.0
Zinc (mg) 0.4 88
Iron (mg) 0.7 0.3
Sodium (mg) 0.8 1.0
Potassium (mg) 468 110
As you can see, unlike most nuts, they are very low in fat. They also have a lot of potassium and, as all nuts contain protein. All the more reasons to enjoy some "Chestnuts" and if you can roast them on an open fire, then more power to you. Happy eatings!
Doris, I never knew that about chestnuts. I have never tried them before, but now that I know how nutritious they are, I definitely want to try some. I will have to look for them next time I grocery shop. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks for visiting me. I always enjoy reading your comments.
You know, we have to replace a couple of our black walnut trees in the spring. We're definitely buying a hickory and have been thinking of a chestnut tree also. You may have just convinced me!
If only the squirrels will let me have some.....
Jane, you will find that they are kind of expensive in the grocery store- at least they were when I lived in California. So, I'm especially thankful to have this bag full of them for absolutely free!
Tell me how you like the taste. They're kind of sweet and satisfy the "comfort food" cravings, I think!
You know, Feisty, we live in Squirrel heaven here in Georgia and somehow all those survived. My two lady friends just picked them off the ground, so the squirrels probably can't get past the porky pine green outside shell that you have to remove before you get to the brown shell...but I do LOVE Black Walnut ... it's one of my favorites, right behind the Almond ;-)
Hi Doris.. I have never had chestnuts before.. They sound good, and I did not know how high in potassium they are!.. Looking forward to the pet costume contest tomorrow! See you then! ~tina
I am totally, totally insane over chestnuts. How I love them. They are extremely "different" than any other nut, as you noted, almost like a dense bread or even a nature-made sweet kind of like marzipan. How I love them! Thank'ee for sharing them!!!
Dori nuts and seed are good for everyone and we should all be eating them daily. I am sitting here with my unsalted sunflower seeds, I eat nuts and seeds daily. Lots of fruits and veggies and never had a weight problem. Raw honey to ....3 cheer for bees and chestnuts
I haven't had chestnuts for years...used have them when I was a child, but they are hard to find here in OZ. Brought back lots of memories thought Doris!
Just voted in the doggy comp too.
Warmest hugs,
P.S. Will catch up after the show.
Hi! The chestnuts look like the "Horse Chestnuts" that grew in upstate NY where I was raised. I did not know you could eat them. My Mom used to buy chestnuts to roast from the grocery store when I was little and my brother and I only made little people out of the horse chestnuts we gathered-ha! Little did I know! Kerrie
I have never, ever had chestnuts. Bready?I want to try them so bad. I think I can get them at the grocery, I should pick some up next time. I had no idea you make an X on them and they pop open!
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