
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter 2012!

Just wanted to wish you all a very happy and blessed Easter!

Here are some photos of my pets. I hope you like them:


  1. Love the way you've put an Easter theme on each photo! Just adorable! Have a blessed Easter Doris! Jesus Christus lebt - Er ist wahrhaftig auferstanden!

  2. Frohe Ostern Doris! Ich hoffe dir geht es gut und wuensche dir ein schoenes Osterfest.

  3. The pictures are adorable and I love the frames you put them in. Happy Easter to you and the furbabies

  4. I have missed you so much dear friend.
    I hope you had a blessed Easter today.

    He has risen!

    Love, sandie

  5. Beautiful pictures of your pets. I hope your Easter was good, we had very nice weather here in South Texas. Had Easter lunch, came home and took a nap. Nice day.

    Sarah from Texas

  6. Awww.. These photos are so sweet, Doris! Hope you had a wonderful Easter Sunday, and that you're enjoying the Spring season! We are so happy to be outdoors again, while at least the weather GRADUALLY warms up around here. We've been taking Ubu out for walks as often as we can, but anything below the 50-degree mark, and I'm afraid I'm staying IN for the day! Too cold for me! ((hugs)) ~tina

  7. Your Gizzy was a precious boy, a gift from Heaven and I am so sorry that he has died. You will miss him forver. I know my precious little girl, a beautiful white Pekingese died 23 Feb 2012, I will never get over it. She was my life as I know your Gizyy was yours. I love the adorable pictures of him. Thanks for posting. He had a good life with you. "Til we meet again on Rainbow Bridge"


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