
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Special Delivery!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!!!

Look what the UPS man brought mommy and me today! See? It's a big 16-lb bag of cat food for the stray kitties came from PetSmart!

Not that I was soliciting, but in response to my earlier post about our stray community cats, I received a couple of donations for cat food. This is our first shipment and we (Gizzy and I) want to thank our two benefactors (you know who you are) for being so generous.

Starting on the 23rd of this months, I'll be trapping a cat (or try to anyway) to take it to be spayed or castrated for free, a program afforded by our county's animal group called LAPS, which stands for Lanier Animal Partnership and Support.

Also, I rejoined CHAT - Citizens for Humane Animal Treatment which is a very small, yet aggressive animal rights group taking a strong stand on abolishing pit bull fighting which is alive and well in our town along with cock fighting. So, if you don't hear from me for a long time without explanation, I may have been arrested protesting for animal rights somewhere or another LOL - just kidding - I have to be home to take care of Gizzy!

Again, thanks for the kitty chow, my friends and God bless each and every one who loves, respects and cares for our animals. 

About my arm: The blood work was botched and I didn't get the acid reading on my blood to indicate Gout or Arthritis and I'm not going back to the PA because I'm fed up with them. I'm finding another doctor to go to! Meanwhile, I'm trying to control the slightly swollen, itchy splotches with Hydrocortisone cream, Benedryl and Motrin...if it gets worse, I'm gong to see a doctor, a new one! I can't seem to find a good doctor here - it's very frustrating! I should have let the Vet treat me. He had Gizzy's blood test results back the very next day and he was so nice.


  1. How thoughtful of someone to donate the cat food.
    Too bad about that blood work. Hope your arm is better soon

  2. Hope you find a Doctor you have confidence in!!! And congrats on the cat food!! How super nice!!

  3. That was so nice for someone to do that. There are angels everywhere. :)

    Hope your arm gets taken care of soon.

  4. That goes to show you how wonderful blog friends are - they are so sweet.

    And doesn't the doctor owe you a free blood test?

    And you know I lost my list of what animals you were crocheting for me - I need to write it down - and put in my purse - so when I am out looking at books I can remember!

    Duck, ? and ?

  5. Don't get arrested!!! ;-)

    Hope that arm gets better or that you find someone you can trust.

  6. Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry about your blood work! What did they say, did they lose it?

  7. I hope that your arm is OK, you really need to get that fixed - maybe the VET?? :) Gizzy looks happy helping out the Cats, even though he doesn't like them!

    You are so very good to the animals and friends you have! ~KM

  8. That was so sweet of someone to donate money for cat food!

    I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with that dr. and that you still don't know what's wrong. Hopefully you'll have better luck with the next one.

  9. Doris...get yourself some Aloe Plant, cut open the leaf and lay it on your arm (gooey side to the skin)and bandage it on there overnight. I use a gauze wrap.You might be surprised at how good it works. I use my Medicine Plant for everything skin related.

    Sorry to hear about your bloodwork...I hope you find someone soon!

    Good to hear your PetFood arrived...Yeah for the animals! :)

    You take care of yourself now!
    Sending you lots of love and healing energies your way...
    Bless You Dear Heart!
    Give the Gizz a Hug for me!


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