
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wishing you peace, love and good health!

I found this information through a FB friend and it is too good not to share:

You can learn more at Earthfire Institute and enjoy the beauty and wonder of natural healing.

Also, I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest thanks and gratitude in behalf of my stray cats that I feed every day. I wrote about our community cats in a previous blog post called My very small and simple life.

Since then I received a $20 check and a $50 Gift Certificate for PetSmart to buy cat food with from two dear friends and fellow bloggers. I'm astounded, shocked and extremely thankful for these gifts. I don't want to mention names in case these two benefactors want to remain unanimous, but you know who you are nothing short of Angels!

Cute Thank You Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

I just wanted to thank you again in behalf of the cats and myself - God bless you! Your gift is a big help and a small miracle. Good things do happen and kind people do exist.

We call him Leggs - he's eating at the cat feeding station where I feed our community cats every morning and night. I'm starting to make mental plans as to what to do about shelter for the winter months. I'm thinking of asking my friend, Bobby-Jack, to make some wooden boxes and nail them up high into the trees so the dogs can't get to them. I'll put some old clothes and stuff in there for when it gets freezing cold....and hope and pray that nobody will tear them down or the owner of the woods won't mind...I will take the boxes down when the weather gets warm again...I still have a little time to finalize my plans.

Wishing you a peaceful, pain free, happy Sunday!


  1. The video is amazing! Did you notice that after the first treatment, Apricot kissed the therapist? The box thing is a good idea, will you still be living there through the winter?

  2. Apricot instinctually knows the Healing process being offered to her...I love it! :)

    As wolf is one of my animal totems this brought tears and smiles to me.

    Thank You so much Doris for posting this incredible only proves that animals and humans can transcend any boundary when working in the spirit of love and healing as well as peace.

    Very Beautiful!
    Happy Sunday my Sister/Friend!

    P.S. I too think the box idea is superb!

  3. Oh wow Doris, what a beautiful video!!!
    And YOU are the angel Doris. For those cats. They have no one to turn to and you are there for them!
    Years ago when my parents were still living in our home (before my Dad died) there was a stray cat in the back yard of their apartment building and people had built her a shelter Just from woos and insulation on the inside It doesn't have to be that expensive. I convinced my Dad to take the cat in and he did. She lived a few good years with them ;)
    Wish I lived more closer then I could help you with those boxes .......

    But I know you will come up with a good idea.

    thanks for being such an angel to those cats.

    have a nice Sunday♥

  4. Bless you for taking care of these cats and bless the generosity of those who donated for their food. I have 3 cats, all of which were abandoned as kittens at our last house. I guess because we were on a dead end street, folks thought it would be safe/humane to put little, helpless kittens out to fend against fox, coyote, etc. with no water/food.

  5. That's so awesome that you're taking care of those stray cats :-) What a kind heart you have! If we lived closer I'd bring one home to our farm (don't tell my husband I said that though!)

  6. I love that video and will watch it again for sure!! You are so wonderful to take care of all those cats - I that that box idea is a great one! It does get cold out here - hard to imagine now, though... Love to you and Gizzy!! Silke

  7. The video reminded me of one of the booths I saw at the pow-wow we went to. I think it was called healing touch and it was a service for pets.
    That sounds like a good plan for the cats come winter.

  8. Awesome!! Thanks for sharing that Doris

  9. There are so many great people out there - I'm glad you got some money for cat food!


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