
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Shopping with Gizzy

It occurred to me that I've not taken Gizzy to Pets Mart for a while, so today was the day. I felt like getting out of the house and since Gizzy needed a few things anyway, I packed him up and off we went to Valdosta.

Hello, Pets Mart here we come!

(Parking the car)

Gizzy's anxious to go inside!

"Come on, mommy, you slow poke, look who's in here..."

These adorable two little boys posed for me with their Basset Hound.

Gizzy's in the buggy and ready to take the scenic tour.

Here comes another customer and look how happy this doggy is to see everyone. I love coming here on a Saturday. There's so much going on and the employees are so friendly greeting you at the door and helping you find things ...lots of people and pets to see! 

"Look ma, all these doggies are waiting to get groomed!"

"Oh, no! Don't tell me you're gonna try brushing my teeth again. We all know how that went last time..."

"Cute, but I don't need an Igloo..." (how do I get down from here?)

"Ok, joke's over - let me down now!"

"Now this feels comfy and look, it's just my size"

The nice, young sales assistant said he looks cute on the maroon colored orthopedic foam pet bed. They're really good for geriatric pets like Gizzy and since he's taken to endurance sleeping, I thought this mattress would be healthy for him. It also was on sale, so I got it.

Gizzy seemed to enjoy sitting on the bottom so that he can better see everything. Did I mention he was a true watch dog in every sense of the word?

There was so much to see, Gizzy wanted to sniff and check out the goods.

"Look, ma, they have rats!"

After I got some food and his favorite treats, we were ready to check out with Gizzy leading the way...

If you click to enlarge this above photo, you'll see the "Oops!" station with paper towels and spray cleaners.

Everyone was so nice to us and on the way out, Gizzy got a treat from the cashier. I pushed him out on his new "throne" and noticed that the weather was changing as it began to thunder.

We'd best be quick about it, Gizzy!

Hurriedly piling things in so we can leave quickly...

I look up through the sunroof and see dark clouds gathering

It's starting to rain

By the time we're getting close to home, it's pouring.

So, we sit in front of my apartment in the pouring rain, waiting for an opening to make a mad dash inside.

"Mom? I have to go potty!"

Well, it's only water, and thunder and lighting (remembering how electricity and water don't mix) but we can't sit out here forever, so I grab the boy under my arm and my purse and rush inside.

That was refreshing! I also got something for myself:

Homegrown peaches and tomatoes from a little roadside stand in Valdosta (before it had started to rain!) and as for the orthopedic pet bed?

It works just fine!

Happy weekend everyone and don't forget to enter my Christmas in July Giveaway! 

p.s. Can anybody tell me why I named my blog Crocheting in Georgia when it's obvious that it's really Gizzy's Blog?


  1. What a fun shopping expedition you had Gizzy...and that new bed looks very comfy...enjoy!

  2. aawww that was tooo cute!! lol

  3. oh lucky Gizzy getting to go shopping. I've always been afraid to take Duke there because he has a very bad habit of lifting his leg on EVERYTHING. Gizzy looks like a king on his new orthopedic bed. I need one of those in my That was some rain storm you got, it was really coming down.
    You named your blog crocheting in Georgia for the same reason I named mine snap edit scrap. Because we didn't realize that the dogs would take over :)

  4. We bet you are so glad you have those wheels to get you places. What a fun day for Gizzy! He looks very happy with his new comfy bed:)

    And those peaches and tomatoes - yummers.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  5. Sure looks like a fun place to shop.
    Good to see Gizzy is just like any child and can talk his mum into buying him all the good stuff.
    Enjoy that new bed Gizzy.

  6. You had such a fun day - I love that you got to play at Pet Smart - that is so cool. Loved your fresh fruit. And the much needed rain!

  7. What a fun time for all of us. Put a smile on my face. I do need to check out those beds for the Granddoggies.

  8. What a lovely visit to the pet variety store. I used to love to take my St. Bernard. She was so gentle and loved people and it was always so much fun to see peoples reactions to the big old beastie. Gizzy was so cute on his visit and shopping spree. Happy Weekend. Linda

  9. That's the kind of rain we've had all day today - and it's chilly to boot! So glad you had a fun, fun day with your little guy! That bed does look so comfy and it's all his own. Have a great Sunday!

  10. That Gizzy gets to have too much fun! I better not let my dogs read all about his fun adventure at Petsmart! lol They would be jealous of that bed for sure! They get the lousy old couch cushions from our old couch! lol


  11. Thanks for taking me shopping with you, I loved every minute of it! The minute I saw Giz on that mattress, I knew it was made for him and was hoping you would buy it! I'm glad to see him at home using it already! How far away is the store?

  12. Wow what a store!
    Bet Gizzy will take lots of naps on that comfy mattress;)
    wow and that rain........... refreshing and good for all green stuff.
    Gizzy looks cute in his new haircut!

    Have a wunderful day♥

  13. Does Gizzy love shopping! He is so very cute and loving his new bed! Glad you arrived home safe and sound, that was quite a storm.

  14. Doris thank you for stopping over, I always enjoy hearing from you and my place, and I enjoy coming here to visit with you...WHATEVER the topic.. I agree..there is something to be said for quietness...such a noise filled world...and I do try to eeak out quiet each day..difficult with boys around...blogging is can listen, be inspired, respond and is all good.. The little Giz is in charge...and what no blog title...maybe you should have featuring Gizzy....which you do and the is all good.
    Thank you for compliment about the thread crochet..I have had an etsy
    account for a while...have not sold one thing...I did add some
    crochet books and a couple of magazines( Vintage) just recently..maybe I am doing it wrong......

  15. I wish we had a Pet Smart here! We do have them where I live but not in my town. I'd love to take my boys shopping. Chico likes to "mark" everything though so maybe not, lol. Looks like y'all had a fun day, minus the rain.

    Thank you for your kind words about my father's passing, it really meant a lot to me.

  16. what a fun shopping day for Gizzy. And a new bed too!

  17. Gizzy is so much smaller than I always thought! She looks like she had tons of fun at the store!

  18. That was a fun post, Doris! I loved it.

  19. Hi Hi , wie erschöpft der kleine Schatz ist, der hatte aber auch einen anstrengenden Tag.
    Die Bilder sind so süß

  20. Liebe Doris,

    Ich war so weit hintergeraten mit lesen, also diese Geschichte ist toll. Teils erzählt Gizzy, ich mag das!
    Ja, ja wir kaufen ein für unsere furbabies und sie wissen es.
    Den Regen war gut für den Garten aber zum ein- und auszeigen ist es nicht so gut.
    Lieber Gruss,


  21. Adorable post! I enjoyed it so much.


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