
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there - whether you are mothering people or animals, we are all nurturers.

Here's a most recent photo of my mother taken in January 2011. She lives in a convalescent home in Bavaria, Germany. She is 83 and I will call her tomorrow, as I do every weekend.

I hope she received the music box and the hat I crocheted for her.

Mother's Day Comments

~Magickal Graphics~


  1. She looks very happy. Is this her permanent home, or is she just recovering from something? How many children does she have? I hope you both have a good Mother's Day

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom! She is a sweetheart! Give her a big hug for all of us! Enjoy the day! Anne

  3. What a sweet photo and so nice of you to honor your mother on her special day. You are a wonderful daughter.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  4. Ahe does look happy and content there - I know you love her and wish you could be there to visit her.

    Happy Mother's Day!


  5. Das ist ja toll das Du jedes Wochenende anrufst! Wenn Du noch eine Mutter hast, so danke Gott und sei zufrieden. Nicht jedem auf dem rund der Erd ist solches Glueck beschieden! I think that's how it goes! You've got a sweet Mutti who raised a kind and thoughtful daughter! Blessings!

  6. What a great picture of your mom. Wishing you both a happy mother's day

  7. Is that a picture of you and she behind her in the photo? She appears to be very happy.
    Happy MOm's day to Gizzy's Mom.

  8. Dearest Doris,

    Yeah, it is not easy being over 4,000 miles away from home on such special days. Wish I could go home and pay Mom a visi... but we have to make do with Skype and talk over the phone!
    Lots of love,


  9. Sweet post!
    I agree with you All woman are mothers So Happy Mother's day to everyone!
    Your Mom looks sweet and happy. Must be hard to live so far apart......

  10. Happy Mother's Day Doris to you and your mom. She looks wonderful. The photo on the wall is beautiful ... is that you and your daughter. Enjoy the day, blessings to you and your family and Gizzy!

  11. Hallo Doris,
    das ist bestimmt nicht leicht für dich und deine Mutter, das ihr so weit voneinander getrennt seid.
    Ich wünsch dir eine schöne Woche

  12. Such a lovely post! Deine Mutti ist noch schone....besonders Ihre Augen! Du bist richtig - alle Damen sind Mutterinen (?) Tut mir leid...mein Deutsch ist nicht gut und Ich have viele Worte vergessen..

    I have spent many happy moments in Bayern... hiking in the Alps and attending Operas in Munchen and Bayreuth... it looks like your Mutti in a good, safe place...
    I know the distance must be hard for you both. (My Mum died 28 years ago.....and I still miss her so much!)

    Sending you and Gizzy Hugs!

    ♥ Robin ♥


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