
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

102 Degrees at noon...

...and we are NOT happy campers. In fact, the only thing I can do to cheer Gizzy up these days,  is to leave him alone for half an hour or so and then come back. That always gets him going for a few minutes before he's right back under my computer desk where he sleeps all day. When we do go out for a quick potty break, he hurries and stands by the door, waiting to go back in.

I like him on top of the little table next to the dining room window while I am on the computer so that I can see him and he can look outside if he wants to, but more often than not, he just sleeps. He's been sleeping a lot lately, but I suppose it's better than itching and keeping me up at night like he did a week ago.  He had Dermatitis and the Vet gave him a steroid injection which helped...eventually!

He loves his beefy sticks and in the photos below I'm feeding him one, ok, two:

Look, Gizzy, what moma got you...

A beefy-stick, your favorite!

Mmmm-mmmm, that was good! what?

Ah, yes! Zzzzzzzzzzz...........

I'm not really complaining because it could be worse - just look at those poor folks who are afflicted with the tornadoes. My heart goes out to them!

Until next time! Doris and Gizzy, over and out...Zzzzzzzzzzzz!


  1. 102 degrees doesn't sound like my idea of fun. I tend to be an air conditioned gypsy as the classic song goes...Thank you for popping over to my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it. Enjoy your day. :-)

  2. Yummmy beefy sticks! He's such a cutie!

  3. 102! That's so hot. I'm sweating just thinking about that. That Gizzy, he is just so very cute. You two, keep safe and cool.

  4. Hi Doris, It is terribly hot for MAY! Gizzy is a doll, especially smacking his lips/tongue for his treat! That's priceless! Come visit sometime.

  5. Oh dear.. I'm glad Gizzy's itchy medicine is working at least. It was a very warm day here, I must say. I think the warmest so far.. but to see Gizzy lying like that. It's a familiar scene around here when the weather gets hot! They just find the coolest spot they can, and tolerate it as best they can. I'm glad to see he liked his beefy treat!!! I was happy to find a peanut butter treat that Ubu can have, "Newmans Own". He loves them, and they seem to agree with him. No seizures!.. Well, keep cool, and have a good night! ((hugs)) ~tina

  6. I see you have finally taught Giz to smoke cigars, ha ha ha!!! Oh, I would die if it was that hot, now you're stuck in the house, so sorry.

  7. that's pretty hot. I don't blame Gizzy for wanting to sleep. Duke loves those little beefy sticks. Maybe Gizzy should come visit and him and Duke could take a swim and then have a beefy stick snack (or two)

  8. 102 - that is very hot for this early in the season. We don't blame Gizzy for wanting to be inside. He is just so beautiful and looks great on that table. Bet he loves those beefy sticks.

    Hope you see a cooldown.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  9. miss doris,

    oh yeah, is it steamy hot at your house!! it's pretty hot at my house, too, but you definitely win the awardie cuz it only got to 98 here today. anywho, poor gizzy dude has all those furs, too, so he must get super duper hot so fast like.
    i'm glad he has that really cool table perch so he can enjoy lookin' outside while soakin' up the A/C refreshments. oh, and those beefy sticks look so yummy yummers!!

    the booker man

  10. pee s -- i forgot to woof that i'm glad gizzy's itchies went away! that is no funsies at all. :(

  11. My goodness thats pretty darn hard to cope with :)) But I must add I love the heat, I love to fly north for winter :)
    your little dog is gorgeous, he's a winner in my books :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog too, the stitch you are asking is Crocodile st and there is a turorial on youtube:))
    Love to see what you come up with in a pattern. :))

  12. 102 IS hot....but right now, I would take a day or two of it...we are having a cold, cold Spring....high 50's - blustery winds.... brrrr.... too bad we can't blow some of our weather to each you and Gizzy off and warm me up! (But, as you said, none of can complain after the tragedies in MO and KS.)

    Gizzy is so the beefy stick shots!!! I am glad the dermititis is lessening - so he can sleep peacefully. (And you too!) Do you take him out at twilight? Should be cooler and everything will smell so fragrant....

    Sending you hugs from cold San Francisco,

    ♥ Robin ♥

  13. We are only at 92 and it is miserable - I can't imagine 102 - I hate that part.

    What I love is how cute Gizzy is.

    And that little tongue wiping his face telling you how good it was.

    He is so cute on that table. So how many months is it that hot?



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