
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rainy Day Blues...

Woe is me, 
rainy-day Gizzy
Nothing to do
but sleep and dream
of things I can't see...
Poor me!


  1. But you do look quite handsome with those beautiful flowers behind you, Gizzy. And just think how good that rain is for Mom's garden. We will cross our paws for sunshine soon.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  2. Ist das nicht ein schöner Platz zum Schlafen?!
    Herzliche Grüsse, colette

  3. He is soooooooooooo cute! Hey we had rain last night - so I don't know if you are getting ours or if we have more coming! sandie

  4. Oh dear!.. Hang in there Gizzy! Better days are comin', so they say!.. And while you're at the window, keep an eye open for the mailman. Your Mommy has a package on its way! ~tina

  5. Hi Hi Gizzy is a true star.
    I love that photos.
    Liebe Grüße

  6. Oh Gizzy does look a bit woe-be-gone, doesn't he? He wants to be outside. Snuggle down with mommy and have a bit of a snooze while watching television.

  7. Awwww! I think he might even enjoy a walk in the rain!!

  8. Awww, he does look sad- especially in the 2nd picture!

  9. aw poor Gizzy. I'll trade you the rain for the snow that's falling right now :)

  10. I know just how Gizzy feels. I felt just the same today - what a dreary day. And tomorrow - again!! Poor Winslow had to hide in the shower when it was thundering - he does not like it! Hope you are doing well! Love, Silke

  11. Poor Gizzy! Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day! Hope that helps!

  12. I love those pink flowers in front of your house, so pretty!

    I feel ya with the rainy day blues! We've had snow and rain both this week. No rain today but the sky is gray and cloudy. But at least it's dry and a little bit warmer than it has been the last two days.

    Hope it clears up for you, Gizzy, so you can run around outside to your heart's content!

  13. What a pretty complex you live in! Poor, poor Gizzy! The lovely rain will make more things grow! Your photos are gorgeous1

  14. I hope it is Gizzy with the rainy day blues and not you, Doris! I just love rainy days. Think of all those beautiful plants and trees you've been showing us drinking up that nutritious rain water. It will keep them pretty.

    It's been rainy here too!

  15. awww, gizzy, it's rainy rainy here at my house, too, so i know how you feel! but you know what? you sure do paw a grrreat poem!

    the booker man

    pee s -- i will totally come over and help you with those duckies cuz i LOVE duckies! oh, and duckie pie sounds tasty, too. bwuahahaha!

  16. Havening rain here too. You stay inside Giz and let Mommy cuddle you ;)

  17. ohh poor Gizzy can we swap places eh?cheers Vickie

  18. Gosh! I can see who is the most popular on my blog - it's not me, it's not my crocheted stuff, not even the bees, it's my Gizzy boy - wow, 18 comments overnight? He's a celebrity!!! (Yes, he is!)

  19. Poor ol Gizzy..cheer up...better weather on the way.


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