
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What is a girl to do?

When you love snow like I do and live in the deep South...hearing how everyone's snowed in, getting photos of my ski-bunny sister skiing the Mountains in Germany laden with powdery flakes:

What am I to do? ... except sigh and find consolation in some fresh Florida strawberries:

It's not quite the same, but there's something to be said about red and  there's something about berries that always cheers me up! So, I'm eating my strawberries while planning my move to the Blue Ridge Mountains... I WILL have snow next Christmas! I'm tired of being snow-less and car-less...I have a lot to get accomplished this year.

Strawberry anyone?

They're actually quite good without anything on them....Happy Winter!


  1. MMMMMMMMMMMMM those strawberries look really good.

    What keeps you from going to Germany?

  2. Never been a skier, but that sure looks like a beautiful way to have fun. Good luck with your plan - you could come here and enjoy our snow, but no mountains:(

    Strawberries - how I would love to sink my teeth into a good one like those look.

  3. WOW, the snow is so beautiful...I didn't think it was from here!! In New England, the ski area's are packed with ice...that is why I don't ski.
    The berries look scrumptious!

  4. Love those strawberries! Yum!!! Love snow too - maybe for a month. I know, my love is fickle when it comes to winter, LOL. Beautiful ALM!

  5. Such gorgeous pictures although I'm not a fan of snow I do like the scenery.
    Those berries look delicous

  6. That strawberry looks wonderful. All it needs is a little chocolate!


  7. Beautiful pictures from you sister! Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Those photos with everything covered in snow is absolutely beautiful. Hopefully you will be able to get back there soon. In response to your comment of some being hot blooded I have to say I am too, but mine comes in hot flashes! Drats, why do they have to look so trim and tan too?!
    You wrote that you were thinking of moving to the Blue Ridge mountains, what area? You might be closer to me! That would be cool.
    Those strawberries look so good. I need to get over this cold/suds and head over to Aldis. They had the best and cheapest last year.

  9. Those strawberries look great! I bought some yesterday and were they good!

    Those are some incredible pictures! I've never seen snow that beautiful in person before. I will say when I seen that you want to move to the Blue Ridge Mountains I was thinking of Virginia! lol Until I seen someone comment about Germany. Hope you can get back home soon!

    No snow here in West Virginia this time.


  10. i'm completely jealous of both the snow/skiing and the strawberries!!
    i'm a big fan of the blueridge mountains as well. :)

    the booker man and asa's mama

  11. Beautiful strawberry pictures! Phil eats them all the time. And great snow pictures with your sister! I hope you will be able to move!!

  12. I am with you on the gorgeous strawberries - not the snow!

    A little sugar makes them even a little better!


  13. Those strawberries sure do look delicious! It is cold enough here to snow but it is not in the forecast... just cold!

  14. woah, that snow is fantastic!

    I want strawberries!

    Can't wait for spring!

  15. You are moving? I like you in the south though. But moves are good, and I know you and Gizzy will be just fine.

  16. I rather have the strawberries then all that snow!

    Have a nice day dear♥

  17. I love my strawberries as they are too Doris. My Mom would mash up perfectly ripe strawberries and add tons of sugar and I could never understand it. I eat my berries without sugar. Seriously, with all of the snow we have here I could do without it forever more.

  18. Those strawberries look soo good! Love the pictures,

    Rudy's Raiser

  19. Hi!

    The pictures are lovely! Have fun on the snow!


  20. Hallo
    Doris, freue mich immer wieder andere Deutsche im Netz zu finden. Wir sind Nachbarn, wohne im Sueden AL's. Wunderschoene Schneebilder. LG


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