
Monday, February 28, 2011

Blossoms, Seeds and a finicky eater

I'll start out with the pretty blossoms behind my back door :

That's the back door to my apartment - I love to sit outside,  listen to the bees and smell the blossoms while reading a book or crocheting a little something just for fun! (with Gizzy by my side, of course!)

That's my South Georgia snow - I'm constantly sweeping blossoms off the back porch, but I don't mind!

I apologize for not being a very active blogger, but I know you understand that this is my only opportunity to enjoy the outdoors before it starts getting too hot again!

I also planted some lettuce seeds last week so that I can (hopefully) keep in fresh lettuce and maybe lose some weight this summer:

I planted these seeds last Monday and after keeping them moist and in the sunshine, one short week later, they have sprouted, look:

I'm so excited, I feel like a mother hen when her chicks have hatched. 

As soon as they grow a bit larger, I will put them in planter boxes and hanging pots because this is not the place to grow vegetables on the ground (apartment living, stray cats and wild critters.)

Lettuce have a pretty shallow root system, which should work well for container gardening. I will start more seeds in another week to keep them growing in intervals for a constant supply of fresh lettuce - at least that is my plan.

Now to my finicky eater - yes, the Gizz!

Can you believe that?

He fights me tooth and nail, but when I allow him to skip meals and wait till he gets hungry, he gets sick and vomits, so that won't work for me.

Doesn't he just look pitiful in that bib? But if I don't use it on him, all the food ends up in his fur around his neck.

The first thing he tries to do is cover the food up with whatever is available, a towel, a rag, whatever, just to let me know he's not interested. If he's on the floor, he shoves the plate all around the room with his nose until it ends up somewhere under a chair or the table...I have taken to hand feeding him, which does not help, but it's better than cleaning up puke... 

Sometimes he eats on his own (without the bib) but mostly it's been a struggle.

As I sit here typing with the apartment wide open, I hear the birds singing and chirping and my neighbor's wind chimes ringing since we have a very nice breeze today - Gizzy is snoring and I'm going to make another pot of coffee (I just have a small coffee maker.) It's going to be another beautiful day.

I wish you peace!

P.S. Have you guys voted yet for my crochet team's challenge called "Singing in the Rain" ?  I crocheted the blue bird holding the yellow umbrella (see side bar), but please feel free to vote for your favorite entry!

Thank you very much and have a great day!


  1. That tree is just so beautiful!!! Mom can't wait for all the spring trees to be in bloom here too.

    We have those same issues here with Picky Boy Phantom, but we are finding he does like cheese on his food, a little bit of grated parmesan and a sprinkling of shredded mozzarella. It doesn't work all the time but it is better than nothing.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  2. You are a bit a head of us - our whites are not out yet - but the pinks are - it is beautiful but makes me sneeze.

    Poor Gizzy - why won't he eat?

    I'm going over to vote.

    Have a good day too.


  3. Aw! Your tree is so beautiful! We don't have any pretty flowering trees like that around our house. You are way ahead of us with Spring too! I can't wait for Spring though!

    I will go and vote for you!

    That Gizzy! He sure is a picky eater! I feed my dogs a dry dog food. I did have a chihuahua that only liked a particular brand of dog food. We had lived in Maryland and switched her to that and she loved it. When we moved back to WV she wouldn't eat the other dog foods! We would drive back to Maryland for different reasons and we would always buy a 50 pound bag of dog food just for a little 8 pound chihuahua! lol

    Enjoy that beautiful weather! I don't blame you! As soon as it gets warm here I'll be outside!


  4. Those blossoms are out NOW??? On the last day of February??? Not even MARCH yet???

    Oh my goodness - - - up here in the FROZEN TUNDRA of Wisconsin, we still look JUST LIKE my blog header picture.


    Not one self respecting blossom in sight - - - not even a lone little crocus.

  5. Liebe Doris
    der Baum ist ja traumhaft schön! Hoffentlich hast du keine Blütenstauballergie;-)
    Ich musste so lachen wegen dem Ess-Ritual von Gizzy. Wir brauchen für unseren DJ auch immer wieder neue Tricks, damit er frisst. Ich liebe diese kleinen eigenwilligen Geschöpfe!
    Herzliche Grüsse, colette

  6. I don't blame you one bit for choosing to sit outside and enjoy that lovely view and the weather. I would be doing the same thing.
    I thought Duke was bad about eating. He didn't used to be so fussy but now he's been turning his nose up at any and all dog food. He only wants to eat what we eat. My husband is to blame for that one

  7. I tried to vote, but it looks like it was closed. You were way ahead! Great job!
    And, of course, gorgeous pictures...again!!!

  8. I think those are pear trees, right? Why won't Giz eat? Have you asked the vet? Tried different foods? This doesn't seem normal. Wow I LOVE the bluebird in the rain, I was just thinking of it today and wondering if you had made it yet, it is my favorite of everything you have made. I love the way you hung some tinsel to look like rain, too.

  9. Hi Doris,

    I have just found your blog and absolutely love it!! I have to say my fav thing on your blog is handsome little Gizz, how sweet a little dog! I have a little dog named Ruby who is my baby!
    Kate, Tasmania, Australia :)

  10. Oh, how I love those blossom trees1 I'm jealous you get to sit outside already! Your dear sweet Gizzy is finicky? Who would have thought! Every dog I've ever seen just makes a mad dash for the food and bolts it so fast I can't believe it!

    Been voting for your little cutie!

  11. Oh wie schön, bei euch ist schon Frühling.
    Die Blüten sehen wundervoll aus.
    Ich bin auch ganz begeistert von deiner gehäkelten Honigbiene die du als Facebook- Avatar hast.
    Alles Liebe

  12. Lovely Pictures. Beautiful flowers.

  13. Liebe Doris,

    wunderschön ist es hinter Deinem Haus...der Baum ist ja so traumhaft schön. Ich wünsche Dir noch ganz viel Spaß mit Deinen kleinen Setzlingen und "Gutes Gelingen", na und Gizzy ist ja ein wirklich lustiger kleiner Kerl. Die Fotos sind wieder zum kreischen, er ist einfach sooo süß!
    Ich wünsche Dir noch eine schöne Woche und schicke viele liebe Grüße mit,


  14. Poor Gizzy. I used to have a lovely little dog not that long ago and she sounds the same. Lily ended up doing much better eating very small portions. She would eat about 1/4 cup of food at a time. That may work better for you.


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