
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday's Show & Tail

Angela over at West Virginia's Treasures runs Show & Tail every week. It's a place where people and animals meet. You can tell about your pet - animal experiences - or something interesting about animals. It's a fun place, so join us!

Introducing: Smokey

I try to help the strays as much as I can by feeding them two squares (more or less) on a regular basis, especially during the winter when the hunting is bad. We have established a couple cat feeding stations in the nearby woods next to the apartment complex where I live so that we can place food and water for our community strays.

To make a long story  short, one of the cats, whom we named Smokey, decided to be "my" cat and he practically lives outside on my porch. Now mind you, I can get in trouble for that because we are not supposed to a) allow our own pets to roam outside and off the leash and b) are not allowed to feed the strays on our, him thinking he's mine, makes me feel sort of responsible for him since I don't have the heart to shoo him away like most people do with the strays.

NOTE: Smokey was not abandoned. He was born in the wild by strays. He had a sister that looked just like him, but she got killed by some neighboring hunting dogs that roam around free and periodically kill a bunch of our cats. That's how I lost my Middi, but that's another story!

Smokey has taken a liking to me and is tame with me (only) but very skittish and shy towards anything else that moves. I allow him to come inside to eat and on extremely cold nights, I let him sleep on the big pile of comforters in my bedroom (aka my hobby room) since I sleep on the recliner in the living room...he does not always want to come in, but on the nights he does, I let him sleep in here.

He's very afraid of Gizzy because Gizzy, being a silly dog, does not like cats and he barks at them and would chase them if I let him. Smokey is skittish and has jumped right through my open window before, knocking the screen window out in the process... (sorry, but I thought that was kind of funny!)

Here are a few snapshots I took of him as he proceeded to cautiously come indoors, always looking for the boy (whom I "put up" somewhere when Smokey is around.)

I fixed him some inconspicuous shelter by my front door for the cold months

I prop the door open so he can come in at his leisure to eat or sleep

Come and get it, Smokey!

Carefully approaching, always being on the look-out for the enemy (that would be Gizzy)

When Gizzy sleeps, he dares to venture deeper inside for a little loving 

He's got the softest fur. He must be part Persian. He is so loveable...I wish I knew someone who could take him, because he'd make a good indoor/outdoor pet. I don't believe that he would be happy not being able to go outside after being born in the wild and having his freedom for so long.

He loves belly rubs - look at his face!

Snoozing on a big pile of blankets in my bedroom - all for himself - nice and quiet - until I flashed the camera!

Isn't he a handsome boy? He's one of the cats that got neutered during our TNR (Trap, Neuter & Release) fundraiser programs and has the clipped ear to prove it!

I don't think they are aware of each other

That concludes my story for today. Hope you can help some strays and give them a little food and shelter to help them out during these cold winter months. God gave us the animals for our enjoyment, not to torment and torture them or abandon them, but since apparently it has already happened, it would be nice to help them out when they need it most. To me there is no bigger cruelty than to domesticate an animal, just to abandon them later on and throw them back to the wolves, so to speak! That is just mean and inhumane!

If anyone has a good fundraiser idea for whatever purpose: children, education, seniors, homeless, the animals, whatever, check this out: Pepsi is offering Grants for your cause!


  1. Oh Doris he is a pretty cat - I know why you named his Smokey. He is so lucky to have you. You are a SWEETHEART you know.


  2. I love that cat! How could anyone abandon that beautiful boy?! I would take him if I could. I totally would. Unfortunately I cannot :(

    I always rescue dogs on my street. Both Mom and I are always finding stray dogs somewhere nearby, I think we are known as the dog catchers, in a good way, that is! Always feed them and water them until their owners call back or whatever.

    As for feeding the strays... people think I am weird, but I've been throwing peanuts in my backyard. We have TONS of squirrels. I just throw them over my back and say "oops!". And they always disappear so fast!

  3. Oh Doris how heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time!
    How sweet of you to take care of him. What an Aristocat he is!!!
    I think Smoky already has chosen his home himself. Pity you are not allowed to have him this way.
    I totally agree with you how cruel it is to abandon animals after domesticating them. Poor kitties.
    We have an obligation towards these animals.
    I am happy you are such a sweet animal lover . I am happy Gizzy is spoiled r....., he deserves that but so sweet you also helping this unfortunate fellow. He is lucky to have you!
    Bless you for doing that.

    Beautiful story Doris!

  4. Oh Doris, what a sweet story. Smoky is the most handsome cat and very lucky to have your kind heart looking out for him. I love the picture of him and Gizzy "unawares". If they both only realized how warm they could keep each other! Thank you for sharing this story and for helping out the strays in your area. Ann

  5. He is too adorable! My mom has a couple of neighborhood cats who have been abandoned that kinda took her in too! Although, my Puddims and her Casper don't really care for them, they tolerate one of them and fight with the other. For a time, mom would keep her screen door cracked so the cats could come and go, but the raccoons started coming in and that was the end of that!

  6. Awwww... I think Smoky is a wonderful addition to your family, Doris!!!! I can understand Gizzy's nose being slightly out of joint, having to get used to that. My Dear Daughter could get you laughing at how she understands that feeling when "the boy" (meaning MY Dear SON) came along!! It IS an adjustment!.. Oh, but he is a beautiful cat, and he certainly looks happy in the pictures! I think congratulations are in order, for the newest addition to your family!.. And God bless you for taking him in, and showing him the love that someone else couldn't bother to do! ~tina

  7. As a side-note: Smokey was born in the wild, but he warmed up to me and lets only me touch him. I'm glad he's remained cautions and suspicious of people, because sadly, not everyone can be trusted to do what's right.

  8. Doris, you always amaze me. You are such a kind hearted person!!

  9. Bless your sweet big ole heart Doris for taking care of Smokey like you do! I can tell that you are doing a great job of it from looking at all of those gorgeous pictures of him! He really looks like a sweetie too! My dogs don't like cats either. And you are right, once a cat or dog is used to being outside they really don't want to be confined inside all the time. Both of my dogs are outside dogs. I live in the country and it is perfectly fine for them to do so. They sleep in the garage at night. Right now one of them is in the living room snoozing on the floor for a bit so I do let them in when they want some attention in the Winter. But they do prefer to be outside dogs.

    Thanks for sharing about the need to help out the strays when we can!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  10. Smokey you are adorable...wish I could take you I would! I love his paw markings Doris! He's so lucky to have you...I hope Gizz can learn to be nice to him...wouldn't that be wonderful?

    Hope you are having an awesome day Doris! I love you Girl! And Giz and Smokey too! :)

  11. Doris, he is so adorable!! He sure knew whom he could trust! The kittens that were born last spring in the wild across the bank are grown and stay right near their birthplace, playing and hunting. They look really healthy, like your Smokey. Hugs, Kerrie

  12. Smokey is a beautiful cat. He's a lucky guy too to have you for a friend. He obviously knows that you are someone he can trust.

  13. Smokey is beautifull!!! I think he and Giz would gradually get used to each other. Our son and DIL had their pet cat who ruled the roost and was very tempermental. Then son found a stray kitten in terrible shape. They brought him home and bathed and fed him, but offered him to other people becauss their cat would absolutly not accept him! They thought their cat would kill it. But acceptance did happen! They kept the kitten, who is huge and sleek now, and the two cats are best of friends. And have you seen Remington's blog? That huge Newfoundland is best friends with their kitten. You are so wonderful for your sweet soft heart!!

  14. Oh my goodness, Doris, he is a gorgeous cat!! And he's so lucky to have found you!! Hope you and Gizzy and Smokey are doing great! Love, Silke

  15. You have such a big heart, Doris! I know Smokey loves you just as much as you love him.

    When I lived with my parents, I had a neighbor friend who used to feed the stray kitties. They moved away so I took over the feeding. And then slowly, they all just disappeared. I had names for all of them so it made me sad. I never did figure out what happened to them.

    Now where I live, I rarely see strays anymore.

  16. Love Smokey... I love cats as you know and having 4 of them..and feeding all the neighbor hood strays..oh my... anyhow..He looks handsome like my Mikki...
    Hope you get to enjoy some lovely outdoor weather ...and Gizzy watching Smokey and pretending he doesn't see to funny the way cats and dogs interact...gotta run.. Hugs from South Texas...Birgit

  17. Liebe Doris

    Danke für Deine Lieben Kommentare.
    Du hast einen wunderschönen Blog.
    Deine Handarbeiten finde ich wirklich schön.
    Doch besonders finde ich Deinen Einsatz für die Tiere und die Umwelt toll.

    Deinen Blog muss ich leider mit Übersetzungshilfe lesen. Denn mein English reicht gerade mal für Anleitungen aus. Doch schon alleine Deine herrlichen Fotos sind es Wert wieder herein zu schauen.

    Ganz liebe Grüße aus good old germany ;-)


  18. Awww! He looks like such a sweet kitty. We have 2 strays at our place. One of them we brought home about 3 years ago. We were at a youth fundraisor for our church. And there were kittens there. Next to a business... Lucky- was very friendly and cute. We brought him home with us. Although he does still live outside, he is happy here and loves us very much. :) We also have another stray that was given to us by my SIL.

  19. i'm not even a cat person, but smokey is a really handsome guy! i love the color of his fur, and it does look very soft and perfect for petting. :)
    you are so kind to take care of him and the other strays! smokey acutally reminds me of a stray cat that my husband and i used to feed in our old neighborhood. we named him shadowfax. he was a similar gray color, but he was a short hair.

    the booker man and asa's mama

    p.s. -- booker wants me to thank you and gizzy for voting for his new header picture. :)

  20. I remember hearing on a radio show that cats are not truly equipped like their wild cat cousins to live in the wild. They have been domesticated over many years like pet dogs, too, and should be kept as indoor cats. People mistakenly think they are meant to be free in the outdoors, but this is not the case. Having cats inside safe and warm is what keeps them happy and having windows for them to look outside.

    I think this is a wonderful cause, Doris! Smokey is just too cute!

  21. what a terrific post.
    Smokey is so lovely.....I am so glad he has taken a shine to you and that you take care of him. We've always taken care of strays it feeding them, or finding ill strays and taking them to a nearby vet. I think God places animals in the path of people who have a soft heart for them. You are one of the chosen!

  22. He is such a beautiful cat, my GD would fall in love with him.


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