
Monday, December 20, 2010

Last day of Autumn 2010

(taken th is morning.from the back of my apartment)

What I saw looking out my back door, ice on the grass and on the roof tops!

"Oh, no, not THAT again!"

I can handle it, I'm brave!  See?

What's on top of the mail box is more interesting than what's inside the mailbox!

crunch, crunch - lovely white frost everywhere!
If you say so, Ma!

I don't think so!


And that concludes our presentation of Autumn till next year. Tomorrow Old Man Winter will be here and hopefully bring me some more ice and dare I say, snow (flakes?)


  1. Fall ended here 2 wks ago...Old Man winter lost directions and dumped some fluffy white on us early with the 'teen temps..brrrrrr. The tree is so pretty. They are preparing as we speak to burst again..into a flury
    of beautifullness...hi Gizzy
    from Spanky

  2. Love all the pictures this morning, Doris. So pretty.

  3. are still leaves on the trees overthere ! Here all you can see is white, snowwhite ( winter was early this year, the amount of snow this year is never seen before apparently ... )

  4. I like the fall look in your pics. And that TV!!! Wow. What a great friend they are. Enjoy the Christmas movies on tv.

  5. Always love your morning strolls. So restful and peaceful. We'll see it we can put in an order of some snowflakes for you.

  6. Fall? Oh yes - - - you are so right, by the CALENDAR it is the last day of fall.

    We've been so immersed in winter here for the past three weeks, 15 in deep blanket of white and temperatures which haven't risen above freezing, that I thought it was SURELY winter by now.

  7. Gosh, you still have leaves on your trees there! And pretty red ones, too! Oh, thanks for the reminder of first day of winter! I would have missed it. I bet Giz doesn't like walking on the frost! Is that your apartment building? It is so nice, but the place looks completly deserted today!

  8. Lovely photos Doris and the area where your apartment is looks very nice.

  9. Hurray for Gizzy and winteR! I know you like that.
    Has your tv arrived yet?
    We have a big one as well, I love it. I can even watch without my glasses :)

  10. That tree is gorgeous! None of our trees look like that anymore. They're all brown and yucky.

    We were supposed to get quite a bit of snow this weekend but we got just enough to cover the ground on Saturday and Sunday both and it was gone before the end of the day.

  11. Your trees still look beautiful. Ours have been bare for weeks. If any snow comes here, I'll send it your way!


  12. We have had winterlike temps for way too long now, according to Mom. But we really do enjoy the cold. And we hear there is a chance of some snow on Christmas morn after freezing rain on the Eve.

    Be careful out there, Gizzy.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  13. Dear Doris,

    beautiful Photos...i like the big Tree!
    Send you many Greetings and a big Hug to Gizzy,


  14. Hello, I have popped over from Peggy's blog and have enjoyed browsing through your post. I love your beautiful crochet and knitting items. Really beautiful.
    It is brutally cold here and we have tons of snow, more on the way tomorrow. Enjoyed your music,


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