
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Gizzy's merry, little Christmas

besides going for my Christmas walk, I was

posing for pictures

visiting our neighbor and friend

I found something under the tree

Look, Ma, what Santa left me!

I can almost taste it!

Here it is...

Gizzy's stogy


Mmmm, delish!!!

Mommy and Me

NOTE: I know I call this blog Crocheting in Georgia, yet somehow Gizzy is the main feature here, but in all fairness, I am crocheting, really I am. I crocheted this scarf and fingerless gloves set for my friend and neighbor as a Christmas gift. Can you guess what her favorite color is? 

(I also made her that dolly on top of her TV)

And this is how I found Gizzy napping. Instead of sleeping in his bed, he must now guard his treats under the tree:

God forbid, I might get a sudden Pup-Peroni craving ;-)


  1. What a wonderful and happy record of your day!!! Giz is beyond cute!! The picture of you two is adorable! I don't think I have even seen a close up picture of you, now i know what you look like. You are glowing with joy!! You are the first of my followers to post your Christmas day goings on!

  2. Gizzy was a good boy this year..and got some good presents...yum....

  3. Beautiful.Thank you for leaving such a beautiful comment in my blog

  4. Gizzy, the ferocious dog treat protector! Stay away from those dog treats Doris! Your friend looks truly pleased with her gifts from you. Hope you had a wonderful day Doris and nice to see your beautiful smile!

  5. Hi Doris, the scarf and gloves you made your friend are beautiful! And I love the pictures of Gizzy ... he has to be posted about, he just too cute!! Enjoyed the pictures of him.

  6. Merry Christmas (you are beautiful). SANDIE

  7. Looks like you had the perfect kind of day with Gizzy - he looks to be enjoying his little gift from Santa - the pose of him guarding his loot is priceless.

    Thanks for sharing

  8. Dear Doris,

    I love Gizzy ... I can not see enough pictures of him and the photos of today are wonderful and funny!
    Your neighbor must be so happy to live next to you - you have crocheted her wonderful gifts ... the doll looks so pretty!

    Ich wünsche Dir von Herzen noch eine schöne Zeit und schicke Dir viele liebe Grüße aus dem völlig verschneiten und mittlerweile eiskalten Deutschland,


  9. Gizzy looks so cute! I love the picture of you both, so lovely and warm! The scarf and gloves you crocheted for your friend are really awesome! I can see the happiness in her eyes! :)

  10. Hallo Doris ,
    Ich sehe das ihr beide ein schönes Fest hattet. wir wünschen Euch alles gute und es ist schön das es dich gibt und wir Kontakt halten können,
    alles liebe

  11. Hallo! Du hast ja einen süßen kleinen Wuffi! Unserer hatte natürlich vom Christkind auch etwas Leckeres unter dem Weihnachtsbaum gefunden... allerdings verputzt er seine Knochen nicht sofort, die schmecken ihm wohl erst nach 2-4 Wochen. Bis dahin werden die Knochen von A nach B getragen und jedem Besucher stolz präsentiert...
    Noch einen schönen Feierag!
    Liebe Grüße, Drückerli

  12. What a fun post! Gizzy surely made your Christmas bright.

  13. I love it!! Also seeing that photo of you and Gizzy - you both look happy!! :-) Love the scarf and gloves you made. Really pretty in that purple... Isn't this weather wonderful? We had snowflakes today!!!! Love, Silke

  14. Looks like Santa was good to Gizzy! Hope he was just as good to you.

  15. Doris, I love your purple scarf you made! It is beautiful!
    I hope you and Gizzy had a great Christmas but I have a feeling everyday is Christmas for Gizzy!

  16. Santa Gizzy must have been a very good boy!


    P.S. Thanks for your comment on the "Day After" poem. If you look under the tree (or biggify the picture), you'll see the glowing eyes of the culprit, Bogey!

  17. Glad t know that you had a lovely time ...

  18. You and Gizzy certainly look to have had a lovely Christmas Day...he certainly loves his present! He he he...I hope you have a wonderful New Year too...Hugs...

  19. Oh it is so good to see your beautiful shining face along with Gizzy's!

    I'm happy you had a wonderful day...both of you!

    Now on to New Years!

    Blessings Sister Soul!

  20. who doesn't love a little funny. say Doris
    I have a new addy...change your address book.


    Doris here is the new addy for my blog..I thought it transfered over...Happy New Year to you and Gizzy.


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