
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mostly photos from our morning walk!

Last night, I played my fireplace DVD for the first time of the season and I wished I had a bigger TV, but considering I didn't have a TV at all for the past eight months, I'm satisfied for what I have.

and now with the lights off:

I heard on the news that last night was the coldest we had this season (31-34 degrees) and today it was a nice, crisp morning with very low humidity. I love going walking when I can see my breath and feel the sting in my face...brrrr....Gizzy and I followed Smokey (one of our resident strays that I help feed every day.) He leads the way with Gizzy trailing behind, pulling on his leash in an attempt to catch him:

 There's frost on the grass and on the roof tops. I love it - and so does the Gizz:

From the boardwalk at lake Irma, I look down to see the ducks and their guardian Canada goose. She keeps a watchful eye on her "babies" that she seems to have adopted.

On the other side of the lake, I throw out some cracked corn and seeds for their breakfast:

Here's a close-up of Queen Victoria (yes, we named the fowl.)

By now it's about 9:30 and a toasty 51 degrees, which would be perfect for me the rest of the year. I can breathe so much better in this weather and I hardly cough at all...

Walking back home, I find some pretty blossoms along the way:

Tomorrow, is the last day to enter my November Giveaway!


  1. Huhu Doris...
    na Du zeigst ja wieder TOLLE Bilder!!!
    Lasse Dir liebste Grüße hier...

  2. Very pretty photos... We have strays around here that we help take care of as well. Have a wonderful week,

  3. Your decorations are so beautiful! What a difference it makes in the dark with the lights on. Now that is MY kind of walk, frosty and beautiful. I'm surprised that you found those flowers mand they didn't freeze, what an added bonus!

  4. I had somehow missed your lovely advent post below, but have just read it. What lovely memories you have of advent growing up. Do you have no family nearby now? We are not in a high church, as we call them, so Mennonites have not celebrated advent. But we have been starting to in the last two years, and I am really enjoying it! It is a good way to remember that the season is not about shopping.

  5. Thank you for helping feed the strays and care for them. Beautiful pictures!

  6. Hi Doris, how I enjoyed going on your morning stroll with you and Gizzy. Your tree and burning logs looks so cozy and inviting. Loved your advent post and memories. What a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing this. Blessings.

  7. It's been a lot chillier here lately, but we are loving it. The Momster isn't so keen on the real bitter cold - something about her feet and hands getting frozen:(

    Great photos - thanks for sharing.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  8. Doris I am so shocked that you saw such beautiful blossoms even after such a cold frost! I figured it would kill those tropical plants.

    Your tree looks adorable!! :)

    Samantha & her lap cat

  9. Such a lovely tree Doris. You and Giz are getting in some good walks.

  10. Liebe Doris,

    das sind so wundervolle Fotos...
    Hab eine schöne Woche und eine dicke Umarmung für Gizzy!
    Viele liebe Grüße,


  11. It looks like spring in Georgia, so you have to produce the white christmas inside :0)

  12. I am sooooooooo envious of you right now! It's not bitter cold today like it was yesterday and last night (when I wrote today's post) but there's still snow EVERYWHERE!!! I wish we really could switch places for awhile.

    Beautiful Christmas decorations! I'm doing my deep cleaning this week in preparation for the holidays. Right now I'm waiting on the carpet to dry after steam cleaning it, then I'll have to mop after I put all the furniture back. And then, and then and then... Lots to be done yet but it'll feel good to have it done and then I can decorate!

  13. HI Doris. Just one question... What are the narcissus blooming for in November? I am at a loss for words! LOL. :)

  14. We haven't gotten quite that cold yet...well, one night it got down to 30° but it was warm the next day so no frost. I'm sorta ready for it LOL

  15. Love your fireplace there Doris. Hope it keeps you warm but not too warm. Gizzy looks like he has a great time walking.



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