
Monday, November 15, 2010

Oh, Tannenbaum!

Call me nuts, but I've had my Christmas tree up (well in the living room) since November 1st. It's been up all year, only I kept it in the bedroom so nobody else could see it. It's easier for me than having to disassemble it and squeeze everything in my tiny storage shed.

So, here are some photos to get you in the mood. I know a lot of you will be decorating right after Thanksgiving:

It's all white and silver again (like last year) with my crocheted ornaments made from white yarn with silver thread. I crocheted the angel on top too. I added a (white) Santa amongst the branches as well as my usual little angel dolls. There's white poinsettias and silver baubles and stars and white, glittery snowflakes, white butterflies and of course, icicles to give it a really frosty appearance and only white lights. 
This little wooden ornament is not white (the flash made it white) but natural (light) wood color. My cousin in Germany sent it to me last year, it's right on top for everyone to see. It's a wooden star, intricately carved that she purchased in the Black Forest and it's very special to me.

I added a white Santa amongst the branches to fill in some of the empty gaps in the well-worn artificial tree. I  wanted a real one this year, but they are too cumbersome for me to deal with on my own and also, by the time they offer them in the only grocery store here in town, they're no longer fresh. I miss walking through Christmastree lots, smelling the fresh tree scent and finding the perfect one.

One of Gizzy's beds is right under the tree where he loves to snooze.

He looks so festive beneath that tree - looking at him under there reminds me that he is my "bestest" present I could have got this year and all the previous 10 years since I had him. (I got him when he was 3.) He turned 13 on November 1st and I treasure every day that I have with him. I still say that our dogs (and cats) don't live long enough!

Good night and don't forget to enter my Giveaway. You have until November 29th to enter. Good Luck!


  1. What a gorgeous tree and adorable furry baby under it.

  2. Gosh, you are getting me in the mood for the Holidays. First with your delicious recipes and now your Christmas tree! You sure are on the ball with things... It's a fun season, isn't it?! Love to you and Gizzy! Silke

  3. That Tannenbaum is very special! At the manor I managed, I had a tree that I wrapped up - fully decorated - and put away in our storage room. It was a great decision and saved me oodles of time in the busy time before Christmas!

    Your decorations are gorgeous! Enjoy!

  4. Tree is lovely with all your hand it looks really pretty at night..and cute is that all curled up in a ball...looks comfy cozy...blessings to you dear Doris.

  5. Awww! Giz is just precious under that tree!! I have so much enjoyed looking and looking at your tree, what a special treat! I love looking at and taking pictures of all my friends trees. Plus it gives me ideas, I'm not good at this kind of thing! But the star from Germany, why doesn't it match?? It is white, and looks like it matches just fine and fits in with everything else! Now you make ME want to put up our tree!! But I'm waiting till Black Friday!

  6. Well Merry CHristmas - I LOVE your tree - how beautiful - each and everything. Love it. I need to get mine out too.

    So what is a boy dog doing in a pink bed?


  7. Oh, our tree is just so pretty. All the ornaments are so beautiful - love that angel too. I really need to get going here. It has been three years since I put out the very large collection of the Dicken Village I have. I haven't done it because of all the little grandchildren here so much.. I am thinking maybe I could try this year. There is only one baby now, 17 months, and three that are b/w 3 1/2 and 4, and two six year olds. Maybe I am nuts:)

    Thanks for sharing your lovely tree.

  8. Hallo Doris,
    du kostest die Weihnachtszeit ja wirklich aus ;O)
    Ein sehr hübscher Baum und das schönste Geschenk liegt darunter. Dein Gizzy hat es wirklich gut bei dir!
    Liebe Grüße

  9. So pretty, and Gizzy looks very comfy underneath it!

  10. Its beautiful Doris and I can tell Gizzy just loves it. In past years I always got my first tree up on Halloween, recent years have changed to the first week of November. One is up but patiently waiting to be decorated. Gotta get going here!

  11. Doris, your Christbaum is beautiful! I love all the handmade and special decorations you have.

  12. Na, du bist aber wirklich früh dran.
    Mit einer echten Tanne könnte man das nicht, die hätte dann am heiligen Abend keine Nadeln mehr (hihi).
    Deine gehäkelten Ornamente sehen richtig klasse aus.
    Hast du die auch in anderen Farben gehäkelt?

  13. I love your tree!! What a great gift you already have under the tree!!

  14. I love the new Santa! And Gizzy looks so pretty laying underneath it! I never decorate until December 1 but that was always because my son's bday is the last day of November & he didn't want us to let Christmas overshadow his day :)

  15. Haha Doris! Having your tree all year!
    I knew people who had their tree all year in the living room they changed balls to eggs by easter .
    Well the cutest ornament is for sure Gizzy!!!!

    Have a nice day and hug him from me will you;)

  16. Giz and the tree...both beautiful!

  17. oh!This is lovely. I love the butterfly! Do you made it yourself

  18. What a neat post! Love it! Hugs, Kerrie

  19. wow..that looks gorgeous...i love your white christmas tree


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