
Friday, October 29, 2010

My little green friend

I’ve been trying all day to get into blogger, but for the past few days I’m only able to get in at night. I know Google hates me and I can’t wait till I can afford a new computer.

Anyway, this is what I wanted to show you guys. When I returned from the doctor’s yesterday, I saw this little green fella hiding in my ginger lily:


and now a little closer:


By the way, my ginger lily has been blooming profusely for the past few weeks and the fragrance of the flower is heavenly. It grows beside my front porch and every time I walk by, its scent pulls me back to take another whiff. One of my neighbors walks by every morning to smell the blossoms.


You know that I’m taking a big chunk of that root with me when I move, especially since I planted it there.

And lastly, I wanted to show you the wooden treasure chest I ordered from my friend Arlene (who gave me a friendly price) that I’m sending to my sister in Germany next month. I told her to make it look really rustic with lots of knotty wood holes and I chose the brown paisley lining with the gold accents…it’s really so much prettier in person, but here are a few photos. I wish I could crochet a little Johnny Depp “Captain Sparrow” doll to go inside – wouldn’t that be just too cute?





She may just have to “settle” for some chocolate coins and fake pearls (beads) to fill her chest. I know she will LOVE it.

After the new year, I’m ordering one for myself because Arlene’s eyesight is failing (she gets those shots in her eye every nine weeks) and pretty soon she won’t be able to make them anymore and I selfishly want one for myself – and maybe one for Christie.


  1. We can see this post. Hope it is fixed now. Blogger can be very annoying.

    Happy Halloween weekend.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  2. You are not the only one blogger doesn't like! Mine is fixed for now, but who knows for how long. That is a beautiful chest, and one your sister will treasure. Thanks for all of your comments, I have had a lot going on so there has been very little time to read blogs. Thanks for commenting!
    Take Care,

  3. SOOO beautiful! - The frog, flower, and chest!
    A friend offered me a ginger plant today and I declined, just because she's flying from the west coast over this way and I thought it would be a pain to carry it since it's a big potted one. But now I'm convinced I must get my hands on one SOME way! :)

  4. Your little green friend looks almost like one of those blossom buds - he is so well camouflaged! Your sister will be so happy to get that lovely chest. Have a great week-end!

  5. What beautiful flowers, no wonder our little green friend likes it there! What a wonderful chest, just beautiful. Your sister is going to love it.

  6. Hello dear friend,

    Your little green creature was cute. I bet your lillies smell wonderful.

    The treasure chest looks so nice - hope you can crochet a Jack Sparrow - that would be cute.

    I think that is a good idea for you to get one. Shots in the eye?


  7. Oh my GOODNESS!!! I LOVE that little tree frog!!! Look how awesomely camouflaged he is on that plant - - - he looks EXACTLY like another bud.

  8. What a cute frog with his little yellow spots! I've never heard of a ginger lily. The treasure chest is a real treasure. It is a great gift just by itself without putting anything in it!

  9. Cute little froggy friend you have has certainly chosen a lovely place to live. Lucky sister you have definitely need a treasure box for you. Oh yes, if only you could crotchet up Johnny Depp :)

  10. Great photography of the frog...he's so cute. I love the treasure chest; the paisley lining is so pretty. I like the idea of filling it with chocolate coins and such. A Johnny Depp doll would make it complete.


  11. That little frog blends so well right into the plant that it would be easy to miss him if you weren't really looking!

    I didn't know you were moving. I hope it's a good move, where ever you end up.

    I love that trunk. I'd love it even more if someone gave it to me with chocolate candy and fake pearls. You're very creative!

    Blogger can be very annoying sometimes. My biggest issue with it is uploading pictures. Sometimes I have to keep trying before it does what it's supposed to. Hope your issues get fixed.

  12. What a wonderful present and the lining is exquisite.

    Your little green fried is so cute!

  13. I loved the frog! I once had a tree frog drop on me! YUKE!!

  14. Great pictures Doris! Love that froggie ♥ and can just imagine the smell of that lilly by closing my eyes.
    Wow what a fun chest besides it is beautiful it really looks like it has been used by pirates. Would love one myself.

    Have a nice weekend ! Hugs for Gizzy!

  15. He's so cute! I can't believe you actually saw him!

  16. That little frog is the cutest thing, and hidden so well in your pretty plant. The treasure box really is a treasure, I'm sure your sister will love it.
    Happy Halloween,

  17. I love frogs, lilies and that chest! To bad you weren't on the west coast LoL! I selfishly want one of those chests too. Checking them out later today ;)

  18. That frog is too cute Doris and I think she'll love the chest..I know I do! Happy Halloween!

  19. Happy Halloween, Doris! I know your sister will treasure that chest, and I don't mean to pun.... I love the paisley inside. Froggie's so cute-is he a regular in the plant?

  20. miss doris,
    that little green froggie is totally cutesies, and i am tryin' to sniff your ginger lily through my compy screen. i loooove sniffin' flowers, and that one is very pretty like for sures. :)
    i think you picked out a really awesome sauce gift for your sister! what a spiffy chest! i dig the paisley lining, too!
    happy halloweeny to you and gizzy!!

    the booker man

  21. love the little green many plants we can't grow here in NM.
    BTW, wanted to let you know I have honored you with an award. Come check out my bloggie, The Olde Bagg

  22. Wow!! This is beautiful Doris! Your sister will LOVE this!!!.. And yes, I think a little Jack Sparrow doll would be fabulous, but I definitely would be happy with the chocolates too!.. Have a great day! ~tina

  23. That is an awesome frog picture! Really really good!

    Oh, and anybody who likes Johnny Depp is after my own heart. Hello!

  24. I am nwew here and I wanted to let you know that I love your Gizzy! He is adorable, the trunk is so pretty...and your daughter is beautiful. I am out here where she is in California. Georgia looks so pretty I love all your insect photos and have enjoyed looking at your finished crochet. Vome visit me sometime. I almost missed that green frog! Debb

  25. That is a beautiful frog! And
    I love the treasure chest too!

  26. Oh, don't you love those little green frogs? They hang out by our front porch light to catch the bugs... I hope you and Gizzy are doing well!! Love, Silke

  27. Hi Doris!
    That frog is so sweet just hiding there and waiting for night to come so he can hunt again. And that trunk is cool too. VERY authentic looking. You are a kind friend indeed to give it as a gift.

    Not sure about Blogger. It's been super reliable for me. Now watch it totally go beezerk for me!


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