
Friday, October 22, 2010

It’s the most wonderful time of the year~!

Just like some folks look forward to summer, I look forward to fall and winter, because that’s when I (and Gizzy) get to walk and frolic outside. I love to have all my windows open and have taken to crocheting outside as much as I can, because I was cooped up indoors with the air conditioner running all summer long dreaming of this time and the time is now. Hallelujah – free at last!!!


Besides my seasonal crocheting for orders and Christmas gifts, there is plenty of hooking to be done. I need to mail my Christmas gifts to Germany next month and have also entered a few Swaps that I find very enjoyable and rewarding, especially since I don’t have family here with whom to exchange Christmas gifts.

I am a big fan of Maggie Weldon’s and recently discovered that she is having a crochet a long. She has provided a supply list so we can all start on Monday. I want to do that with her. She will be converting this pillow into crochet and share the pattern as we go for this adorable Santa Pillow:

Santa Pillow

She’s an excellent artist and very generous in offering some of her beautiful patterns for free, such as this adorable and practical lantern potholder that I will be crocheting shortly:

Lantern potholder

She also does Lace Pottery. It sounds very interesting and her pieces are available for purchase as well as her lovely and unique patterns.

So, in the next few months, I will continue to spend most of time outside (my winter vacation!) and crocheting and next month my Christmas baking starts, so if you don’t hear from me as often, please don’t think I have forgotten because I have not. I’m only breathing in new life into these old lungs that have been yearning for fresh, cool air all summer long.


  1. I know the feeling Doris... I have just now been able to turn off the A/C and enjoy the cooler weather that we are finally getting here in Arizona. It is great to get outside and breathe nice, fresh air, isn't it?? Love the projects you are getting ready to do, especially the pillow ... can't wait to see how it turns out.

  2. yea the weather is kinda nice -- not hot, not cold -- just right in between. Enjoy the weather!!

  3. You are ME!! I don't like hot weather and bugs, but I do like spring! I love cool and cold weather and agree with everything you say. Fall and winter air are pollen and dust free, mold free, clear and brisk! Most people slow down their posts in the summer, you are doing it in the winter. But how do you ever find Giz in the snow? The lace pottery is amazing, I'd like to buy that oval blue piece she is holding.

  4. Hi again Doris, I went to maggie weldon and looked at the crochet along. I think I'm gonna do it too. Thanks for the info.

  5. We can't wait to see the Santa pillow - bet it will be beautiful. It is nice here now too. We pups are really looking forward to the snow and winter, but Mom would like fall to stick around for a while longer.

    Woos ~ Phantom,Thunder, and Ciara

  6. I love our weather right now! We haven't had the AC on in days and it is so nice to be able to stay outside without breaking a sweat. Sounds like you'll be very busy... which means lots of goodies for us to see on your blog, right? ;-)

  7. You have a great time sweetie! I can't wait to see what you create next :)

  8. I am so happy for you - lots to do and in the cool fall air.

    Hope you have some time to write!

    Love that beautiful bird.


  9. I wish I could enjoy winter and the cooler weather but I just can't. Once I get cold, I stay that way all season long.

  10. oh, yes, i've had the windows open all day, and it's so liberating!! :)
    that santa pillow is adorable. i'm looking forward to seeing the crocheted version.
    maggie weldon's lace pottery is gorgeous! the cake plates particularly caught my eye. the english garden cake plate in robin's egg is oh so lovely!

  11. We're too chilly now to be outside crocheting, maybe I'll just have to grab my mug and come and visit with you and Gizzy. See on Monday at the crochet along at Maggie's. I'm so excited about it too. Happy weekend.

  12. I love the fall too! The crochet a long looks like so much fun!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  13. You sounds as excited about the upcoming colder season as we are! When everyone prepares to hibernate, we come alive here in the South! Summer has become my hibernating season... Can't wait to see what all you create!! "Tis the season... Love, Silke

  14. Hey Doris, thanks for your sweet comments...we do love our dogs and little 'Cookie' may be our smallest but she has the BIGGEST attitude.

    You asked about my follow button. It was on my side bar but lower down due to all the giveaways I posted. I moved it up a little higher. I'd be happy if you choose to follow. I follow you and love to see your fur baby and creations.


Please leave me a comment. I enjoy reading them. Thank you!