
Friday, September 10, 2010

We will never forget!

Tomorrow is September 11th - let us pray!

My blogging buddy, Kerrie, has written a poem in honour of 9-11. Anyone who is interested in reading it, you can find it here:

God Bless America!


  1. Thanks Doris for this. We all need to remember this.

  2. diesen Tag werde ich auch nicht vergessen...als ich das im Radio gehört habe führ ich hoch schwanger von der Schweiz aus nach Hause...ich war geschockt...
    schlimm was Menschen doch alles machen...

  3. I can't believe I didn't even realize what tomorrow is! I feel so bad now. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. I will always remember how overwhelmed and devestated I felt, especially since I knew one man in our community (I lived in California at the time) who lost his precious teen-aged daughter in the plain. She was on her way to a University for higher learning. They made a comemorative plaque and post for her by the lake to read her story. Her daddy was a runner and everytime he came around to his daughter's monumnet, he touched and kissed it - it was really hitting home - It spoiled the holidays for me that year.

  5. America, my heart and my soul!! We love you!!! Never forget those that perished on this horrible day in History!!

  6. Ich erinnere mich auch, dass wir auf dem Weg nach hause waren, als wir die Nachrichten im Auto hörten. Endlich daheim haben wir entsetzt vor dem Fernseher gesessen...


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