
Monday, July 5, 2010

How I spent my Independence Day: by Gizzy!

Hello, this is a post from the dog, me, Gizzy!  Mom is resting and I'm typing while Middi is holding the keyboard - Nooooooot!

In the morning I had breakfast in the park:

(I was hungry like a wolf)

After a nice little stroll investigating and inspecting, I sat on the porch of my dream house:

Then, I sat on a park bench to take in the scenery. It wasn't as hot as it normally is.

Of course, my  mommy always has plenty of fresh water on hand for my BIG thirst:

(Mmmm...that hit the spot)

After that mommy took me to our friend's house where I visited with her two doggies:

Tuffy (who's about my age)

and Sasha (who is Tuffy's daughter)

I love going to Sandy's house, because I get to stroll around the garden without the leash on and there's always very interesting and new smells to discover.

Mommy and Sandy sat on the porch talking and watching the birds, such as this handsome Cardinal:

Later, we walked across the street to visit a neighbor's dog who was in the back yard all by himself:

This is Paco, the Chihuahua, who seemed very friendly, but not very well mannered. He lifted his leg right on my face and mom had to rinse me off with the garden hose - yuk! (He barely missed my eye!)

Sandy gave me a big, soft towel to roll on and dry off:

 A few hours later, it was time for all of our naps (yes, we are seniors!) and I went back home:

As we walked out the gate, Sandy invited us back any time. Isn't that nice? (Note to mom: Find us a place like that! I like it here!)

Sandy's grandson took this group photo of us:

Hope you had an enjoyable Independence Day too!

(Uh-oooooh, mommy's coming. I'd best jump off this computer and scurry back to my bed. I know how she is about dog hair on the keyboard.)


  1. Hallo Doris,
    schön. dass ich dein blog gefunden hast und du meins.
    Unsere Hunde haben ja wirklich ein bisschen Ähnlichkeit und auch die Namen ähneln sich :O)
    Wie ich sehe, mag dein Gizzy auch nicht so gern Hundefutter ;O)
    Unser Grizzly kann auch so gut mit großen Augen unterm Tisch sitzen, bis etwas für ihn abfällt.
    Wie bist du denn nach Amerika gekommen, der Liebe wegen?
    Bis bald und liebe Grüße

  2. Liebe Doris, schön, dass ihr euren Nationalfeiertag so erholsam verbracht habt! Ich darf meinen Mädels gar nicht die Fotos zeigen ... dein Hund ist ja so süß!!! Die wollen bestimmt auch so einen haben ...
    Alles Gute, Verena

  3. You're so cute Gizzy - glad you had a good day. :)

  4. Sounds like you had a fun day...

  5. Oh Gizzy, I do think you should post more often. I love the pictures and feel like I had a nice day out with you and your mommy. That nasty little dog needs to be grounded for whizzing in your face. Naughty doggie.

  6. Oh Gizzy, you are too funny! Somehow I can't picture your mommy ever even scolding you in the least!!!

    That bad chihuahua, how ill-mannered of him!!! He's jealous of your beautiful fur.

    Say hi to your mommy!

  7. Danke für deinen süßen Kommentar. Ich bin im Moment wohl etwas melancolisch. Mir fällt erst in den letzten 2 Wochen auf ,wie sehr sich Erik verändert hat. Jetzt kommt er auf eine andere Schule in die 7. Klasse und verdammt, er ist größer als ich ( 1,67m ) hat in diesem Haushalt die größten Füsse ( 44 )
    Und ist im Stimmbruch, das wir uns manchmal einfach nur kaputtlachen über das quitschen.
    Und ich werde im August schon 49 Jahre alt.
    Komisch ist nur das ich mich nicht wirklich so alt fühle.
    So geht die Zeit dahin. Und dann ist da dieser große Junge , der mir die Taschen abnimmt und hilft wo er nur kann. bis jetzt haben wir nicht falsch gemacht wie es scheint. Schönes Gefühl wenn mann so stolz sein kann.
    Liebe Grüße und deine Grizzy Geschichte ist so Lustig!
    Alles liebe und muß ich Dir noch ein paar Taschentücher schicken?

  8. glad you had a wonderful day Gizzy. That bad bad Paco! Isn't it fun to have the house to yourself while your mom is napping?

  9. Wow....Am so glad Gizzy had such a wonderful day. The way he is talking, one could get envious. I can understand why he would like a nice place like that, as I would also move in quickly. There is nothing like living in the country.

    Hope today is just as nice as yesterday. Talk to you both soon.

  10. Gizzy, such a fun post to read, sounds like you had a full day.

  11. Giz my friend you are a Hoot! Sounds like you and Mommy had a great day until the "peeing" incident! Next time stay away from that Chico Bandito! Good thing your Mommy came to the rescue!
    I can't wait until you share your next outing with us!
    Auntie Akasa

  12. How adorable! I love Izzy's dream house, too. I hope you both had an enjoyable 4th!


  13. Woof! Woof! You had a such wonderful day. Thanks for sharing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  14. HI, from New Jersey. Your dog is so doggone cute! Glad to meet another sister.

  15. Hey Grizz... it sounds like you had a great day out with mommy. But that bad old Paco... he does need to get some manners.... I would love to have breakfast in the park with my mommie. Although I don't think I would like the leash thingy too much. Here on the farm I get to run everywhere free as that beautiful bird in your photos. Thanks for sharing the day with me... I'm very jealous... Mommie worked in the kitchen cleaning out drawers and cabinets.
    I didn't get to do anything fun but sleep on the couch!!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely day with us.
    Woof woof

  16. Wow, what a fun day out you had Gizzy. Woofs and Tail Wags...Jindi (the Australian Working Kelpie)


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