
Friday, July 16, 2010

Farewell to Middi

Just a quick announcement that my cat, Middi, who was only three years old, has crossed the Rainbow Bridge last night unexpectedly. 
If you wish, you can read more about it here: Amazing Animal Lover's blog

She will be missed!


  1. Doris, I am so very sorry to read this. I did go to Amazing Animals Lover's blog. You are the gentle, caring soul that I knew you were ... taking in Middi and giving her life. I am sorry for this loss and also thankful that you gave her love. May the blessings that you give to others come back to you abundantly.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry Doris - sending you ((condolence hugs)).

  3. Doris, I am so very sorry for your loss. I am very glad I could help.

  4. Doris, how shocking and unexpected and very sad. You were good to Middi and she had two good years with you before she died. That was two years she wouldn't have had if you hadn't rescued her. Poor Middi.

    I hope you are okay.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss... I know how hard it is lose a beloved pet. Hopefully your wonderful memories will live on.

  6. We read about Middi at the Amazing Animal Lovers blog. We are so saddened to hear of your loss. You were very good to open your heart and home to her.

    Hugs and Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  7. Oh, Doris, I am so very sorry to hear about Middi! Over the years, we lost a couple of cats that way, to bobcats and to coyotes in New Mexico, and it's so sudden, such a shock and so very sad! I'm sending you a big hug and hope that Gizzy is a great comfort to you!! Much love, Silke

  8. Doris: Please accept my heartfelt condolensences on the loss of Middi. I just had to say goodbye to my St. Bernard baby in March and I do feel your pain. Willow was young as well and had not lived all her life when she crossed over the bridge. She did love perhaps she and Middi have already met and are there together enjoying each others company, waiting for us. Those gentle souls are at rest and peaceful, it is we, the ones remaining that are in pain. I wish I could hug you right now. Hold tight to her memory. Much love, Linda

  9. I am so sad for you - we just got a rescue dog and I can't even imagine.

    Prayers for you and your family.


  10. Doris,
    I am praying for you!
    Hugs and prayers,

  11. Oh Doris, I am so very sorry to hear this.. but I have no doubt her years with you were good ones. God led her to your door, those 3 years ago, for that very reason, I'm sure! ((Love -n- Hugs)) ~tina

  12. miss doris,
    i am coming over to visit from miss deborah's bloggie. i just wanted to let you know that me and my big sis asa and my mama are all very sorry to hear about miss middi. i know it must make your heart ache to lose her at such a young age. we are sending gooey nose kisses and hugs to your right now. we knoe that you gave miss middi a super wonderful life for 2 years, and she was so so very glad to have you as her mama. she'll be waiting for you at the bridge.
    the booker man

  13. So sorry to hear of your loss. What a beautiful cat and you gave her lots of lots of love!

  14. I linked to you from Deborah @ Amazing Animal Lovers Blog.

    I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. I lost a cat about 1 1/2 years ago and it still hurts when I think about him. I had him for 13 years and it just wasn't enough.

    I'm sure you gave Middi a wonderful life. I hope that thought helps ease the pain you feel from losing her.

  15. Oh Doris, I am so sorry about your loss. I'm glad you got to spend the time with Middi that you did. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Wish I could come give you a big hug... a cyber hug will have to do. Take care my friend.
    xxxxx Sandy

  16. Doris, my friend, I'm so sorry to hear this. I feel you're pain, It's been about a year and 1/2 since we lost Simba. But I know they are both over on the other side of Rainbow bridge waiting for us. Maybe they'll even meet and become friends.

    Keeping you in my prayers as you deal with the loss.


  17. Oh Doris -- GREAT BIG COMFORTING HUGS coming your way over the Internet.

  18. Dear Doris, I really feel with you.
    I have too old cats and I fear the day, when they will cross , as you said, the rainbow- bridge.
    In the end it doesn´t make a lot of difference if a friend has two legs or four.

  19. I'm so sorry for your loss, we saw your story at Amazing Animal Lovers Blog.

    We're purring for you, and we're hoping you're holding up ok.

  20. Hi
    I've come over from Amazing Animal Lover's Blog too. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. Middi looks absolutely adorable and thanks to you had a good, happy and wonderful few last years full of love in her life.

    Please take care.

  21. Doris I am so sorry about your cat Middi. She was a beautiful cat and you gave her two very good years with you. Sending a big hug your way,

  22. Oh, Doris, I'm so sorry to hear. I hope you are getting the comfort you need from those close, and all of us in blogland who are your friends. let us know what we can do.

  23. Doris, I am so sorry about your Middi. This happens so often, but you gave her so much. blessings

  24. Liebe Doris,
    Tiere wachsen einem ans Herz. Der Verlust tut weh. Ich wünsche dir, dass du es gut verkraftest.
    Alles Gute, Verena

  25. aww, I'm, sorry to hear it. I bet he had a bunch of adventures with your doggie. :0)

  26. Hi, I read about Middi on Amazing Animal Lovers and just came by to pay my respects. If it wasn't for you, her whole life would have been awful, so you were her angel in the end, isn't that wonderful, how God works? She was able to pass with a loving and trusted caretaker. I read your profile, and was just amazed at how much we have in common. My daughter-in-law was a pharmacy tech. We love many of the same movies, including Johnny Depp, who I just saw on Letterman last night. He owns a whole island. I am a deacon in our church, and have a couple bible dictionaries, which I love. I love figure skating and nature shows, and have lots of Sting C.D.'s. I love his song "Fragile". My husband is a chess instructor and plays accordian in church. And I've been to two balloon hot -air festivals and love them! I will be doing a few posts on them in the future. I love your blog. In looking through, you do such a good job and have great pictures!

  27. Hi there Doris,

    We are so sorry for your loss. We also came from Amazing Animals Lover's. We hope you will be ok, it is hard to go through this.

    We also started to follow your blog as we meet Gizzy and we hope to extend our friendship to you.


    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

  28. Oh no! And Middi looks just like my Sable, who I lost on Feb. 2. My heart goes out to you, it's so difficult to say goodbye to a beloved pet.

  29. Oh, I AM SO SORRY to hear this sad news! Having lost our Scat-cat a few weeks ago, I feel your pain. Middi was are in my thoughts...

  30. Condolences Doris on your's always so hard to lose a beloved pet...I'm sure Gizzy is giving you lots of hugs, ask him to give you one from me too.

  31. oh Doris, sweety ... I am so so sorry to read this. I don't expect my 15 yr old Oakley to last out this winter but at least he's had a good long life. Three is just too too young.
    Biggest hugz from me and mine

  32. Good Morning Sweetness....
    I am so sorry to hear about your Beloved Middi. I am sure she happily watches over you and Giz from Summerland. It is never easy when we lose our furbabes this I know, but she will be there to meet you and Giz when you cross over of that I am sure. So you will see her again someday.
    My thoughts, prayers and love are with you at this time and I will light a candle for you and your fur family today.
    All My Love!

  33. Dear Doris: I know you and your family will miss sweet Middi and I hope happy memories will surround you in love....

  34. Doris, I'm so sorry to hear about Middi. She was so blessed to have you, and I know she will be missed, but you will see her again someday!

  35. I'm so sorry Doris. Middi was a pretty cat and had a great home with you. I know she will be missed.

  36. Doris,
    I'm so sorry to hear about Middi. She is so lucky to have had you for the last part of her life! You will be in my prayers! Jess

  37. It sounds like the time Middi spent in your life was full of love and happiness. I'm sure she appreciated your kindness and loved you very much.


  38. Doris, again I'm so sorry. I just read the post on Amazing Animal lovers and it's such an awful thing. I'm so sorry for your loss. You gave Middi a nice life and you did all you could for her. She was loved and that's what is important...

  39. What sad news, I'm so sorry for your loss.


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