
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blogger Problems

Hello fellow blogging friends. I've been experiencing problems with my comments and lost at least eight, if for some reason things look odd to you, I'm aware of it and hope I'm not running out of memory.

I was told the other day that blogger starts to charge a monthly fee once the allotted memory has been used up. I've been having problems uploading videos, which is why I've not done it lately, so please bear with me.

Have a great day!

p.s. and now, guess what? They all showed up - go figure ;-)


  1. So far behind in reading blogs - but trying to catch up a bit! Fun stuff that you got that nice stash of wool and that book! Enjoyed my reading!

  2. Hallo Doris,
    ich glaub, gestern gabs die Bloggerkrise schlechthin. Überall sind die Kommentare verschwunden.
    Heute scheint es ja behoben zu sein.
    Ich bin ja schon gespannt auf Gizzy im Bienendress. Hoffentlich bekommen wir es zu sehen :O)
    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

  3. I've never heard of charges like this! Very strange. Well I hope nothing else disappears on you.

  4. Good Morning Sweet Doris!
    It would appear that comments have been fixed as one of mine from yesterday was on my dashboard this morning that I thought had disappeared. As for videos I haven't tried any yet this morning as I slept in due to the heat keeping me up most of the night but I will try posting one today.
    Glad you liked the hummingbird video...isn't that something?
    I hope you, Giz and Midi are staying cool...did you find some Jam recipes for your Blueberries?
    My friend Dancingfire makes it so maybe if you hop over to her blog and give her a shout she could help you? It's worth a try and she is a Dear, Long Time Sister of mine. Actually, I think she had posted a blog about blueberries not too long ago. Go on over, lol!
    Okay love, enjoy your day and stay cool!
    Much love and many blessings!

  5. Doris,
    Yesterday blogger wasn't posting comments right on my blog and the Pins blog either, so maybe it's not just you!
    Hope today is better,

  6. Was having trouble yesterday too - I had to publish like 3 times before it actually published the comments people left. I also know a few other blogs I read were also having problems.

  7. I don't know about the videos - - - but I was not getting my comments either a couple of days ago.

    They all eventually came in, slowly, and now everything seems to be working OK over here.

    I doubt that it is anything you did - - - blogger just has issues sometimes, but they are really good and usually quick about fixing the glitches.


Please leave me a comment. I enjoy reading them. Thank you!