
Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today is the last day to enter my Independence Day Giveaway for these four patriotic star coasters I crocheted with 100% cotton yarn.

Some of you may have noticed that I've not commented as much. I've been crocheting, helping people and doing stuff around the house. We have another big apartment inspection coming up in July and I need to declutter/reorganize.

I have a few things I want to accomplish besides blogging, one is blueberry picking because blueberry season is here and I want to stock up my freezer. I got some yesterday from a man who worked at the local pharmacy.

He has a blueberry orchard and delivers blueberries locally for $2 a quart, all cleaned and ready for the freezer in a zip-loc baggie. However, picking them myself is cheaper, because at Mallory Farms I can pick a gallon for $8, so that would be half the price of getting them delivered. I just have to go really early in the morning and bring my wooden stool or else my back won't hold out. Good thing the blueberry bushes are like small trees here and one doesn't have to stoop down to pick them like I had to when I lived in Germany. Back then we went blueberry picking in the forests and there they grew low to the ground.

Also my dear friend Samantha from Samantha Gallagher's Art Studio has sent me a book a while back that I really want to finish reading; It's called Robbing the Bees.

Well, I'd best go and pop some corn for the ducks because I'm all out of bread and I can't go to the lake/pond without any food. They follow me around quacking and making a spectacle of themselves.

(...meanwhile Gizzy lounges in his bed)

Remeber to enter my Giveaway if you want a chance at winnig my patriotic star coasters!


  1. Blueberries sound 'Wonderful' Doris...and your book looks good too! That sweet little Giz is so photogenic, isn't he? I think he knows he is getting his picture taken!
    You must of course do what you have to do and not worry about the rest, as we all do. These are the times of the year for making hay while the sun shines so to that end, I am with you Sister!
    May your day be filled with goodness and light Precious One!

  2. Lovely stars!

    And blueberries, I know, they live near the ground here in Holland too! :0 tehy are yummie!

  3. I have so enjoyed your visits to my blog. Thank you.
    I could look at pictures of Gizzy all day. So cute. Peks are such fluffy little balls of trouble. Our Teiki was the only dog we ever had that had more personality than most people. Always thinking up ways of getting attention.
    Blueberries are my fav fruit. luv um, yum.
    Until next time.....The Olde Bagg

  4. Oh my gosh, Doris!.. We can't get blueberries for that price around HERE!!! (not since last I looked, but I'm gonna look AGAIN!) $2.00 a QUART?!!! I'd be freezing them too, if I could even get a PINT for that much!! Good for YOU anyways! They're so good for you; and I love them on cereal, or in muffins or pancakes! Love your stars! I've been wanting to make a garland of crochet stars, but haven't found TIME to yet! Reading has taken top priority in my free time lately!.. But I hope to squeeze some crocheting and crafting in soon! We'll see! In the meantime, Ubu says to say "hi" to you and Gizzy! ((hugs)) ~tina

  5. Awww, I'm so flattered you mentioned me :) I've been on vacation for a while but just got back and was looking forward to catching up on your blog. Which reminds me that I had blueberries in the fridge when I left, I wonder if hubby ate them all ;)

  6. Gizzy is too cute! I love your crocheting too :)

  7. Hallo Doris
    Jippie, wir haben es geschafft und sin im Achtel Finale. wir haben 0:1 gegen Ghana gewonnen.
    Sonntag um 16 Uhr Duetscher Zeit geht es weiter. Also Daumen drücken!

  8. I LOVE blueberries!! In fact, we just made a blueberry tart yesterday that is delicious, but I love to just eat them without anything added. Delicious!

    I also remember picking blueberries in Germany in the forest - that was always so much fun. We'd eat as many as we'd pick and end up with blue tongues!

    Your Gizzy is so darn cute! Do you think he knows it?!

    Love, Silke

  9. I love blueberries but I don't know of anywhere around here we can pick them. We do have strawberries, however, and they are so full of flavor! Love the plate you have the blueberries on and Gizzie looks so relaxed and happy!

  10. Those blueberries are a bargain at $2 a quart! They are like a delicious healthful medicine!

  11. Doris, you're blog is absolutly wonderful! It's been a while since I've looked at it and I love it. I especially love the banner, it's so adorable! I will definitly be checking out your Etsy shop. I saw quite a few interesting things on your widget! I'm going to look right now. Thanks for the kind words about my returning to school after so long. On a side note, we just did our exams for this semester and I got all A's again! Yay me!!! Just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed reading your blog today! Hugs, Kimmi

  12. Hi Doris!

    Oh those blueberries are great! We have them locally fresh too. BUT the prices are three or four time what you are paying! Lucky you to have such great local produce.

    Have a great weekend and get some time outside for enjoyment. :)


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