
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Still going - going - tired

First of all thanks for all your kind comments. I promise to catch up with all your blogs in the next couple of days. I'm just a bit worn out. I can't believe I slept till 9 am this morning and am ready for a nap. I rushed over to Betty's mom (who is also my neighbor). Golie is the sweetest little ole lady you'd ever want to know. She's soft spoken and kind. I wrote a post about all her lovely bedspreads not too long ago. Here's the link to my post if you want to look at

Miss Golie's bedspreads

The last thing Betty made me promise before they rolled her into surgery was to look in on her 88 year old mom and help her walk Mitzi. Below left is a photo taken last fall showing Miss Golie with her dog Sady who has passed over the Rainbow Bridge since then. On the right is Mitzi modeling one of my crocheted doggy coats. Mitzi's half Poodle and half Pekingese, but everyone thinks she's a Shih Tzu.

I took Gizzy to the Vet's this morning, because he's been shaking his head for the past week. I removed a small tick out of one ear recently, so I wanted to be sure that it's all gone. The Vet gave him a clean bill of health with the instructions to treat his ears with the Tresaderm drops that I already had at home. I just don't want to jeopardize Gizzy's already diminishing hearing. Guess how much he weighed? 10.4 lbs. - isn't that just perfect? (10-4, over and out!) He also needed his blood test for his heartworm meds that he's on year-round. After all, we do live in Skeeter Country - and I have the lumps and bumps to proove it.

On the way back I picked up lunch for Miss Golie and me. She loves KFC, especially when they're having a special. I also stopped at my friend's outdoor vegetable stand and purchased a watermelon (pictured below) plus a few other veggies since I was all out. He also started to grow some veggies on his land for selling and I look forward to buying them from him, because he doesn't treat with chemicals. He raised these teeny, tiny red potatoes on the right. Aren't they cute? They're about 1.5" or so in diameter, maybe the size of a water chestnut. I'm having some of those for dinner tonight.

Also, while I was gone, my cherry tomatoes sprouted in the hanging basket and my poor ole Aloe Vera plant got burned - ouch! It's too heavy for me to move, so I'll either have to carefully separate it into different pots or ask my friend to carry it around to the back for me when he stops by the next time, but it really does need to be transplanted. I'm so afraid of breaking it, though, and that's why I've been avoiding it for so long.

Now, I have to excuse myself because this ole gal needs a nap. Gizzy's been sleeping a lot too, but that's normal for him. The Vet said it's to be expected at his age (12, going on 13.)


  1. Of course you need a nap, look at how much you have been doing!!! Running all over!

    I love those tiny potatoes! They are so good if you take a bite and then dip them into caraway seeds, then eat the other bite...we do that a lot when we have some (excuse my terrible German) Kartoffel im Schlafrocken.

  2. The doggie coat is adorable!!!! Great, great work. And what a wonderful friend, still going! Nice to know that people like you are out there. I know that Betty's mom was so glad you were there ... both with her and Betty.

    Have a wonderful night, hope you get some rest.

  3. Gosh, you are one busy woman!! I am glad you are back and getting rested and that all is going well for you and Gizzy and your friend. Those veggies look wonderful and I wouldn't worry too much about dividing the aloe vera plant. They are so resilient. I used to have one and would divide it all the time and give starts to friends. They are so useful when you have a burn... Get some good rest!! Love, Silke

  4. is that watermelon I see too? Seems you had a good trip, and such a great friend you are to Betty. Gizzy does look like the king sitting there on the window bench!! Doris, You've had a busy week and deserve an extra nap or two. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I'll check in on you Monday to see what you are up to for the coming week...

  5. My aloe plant looked the same a couple of years ago, but it bounced right back eventually! A friend of mine says they're impossible to kill.. I dunno though, I think I'd manage somehow, hehehe.

    Looking forward to seeing your tomatoes growing in the coming months!


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