
Monday, May 24, 2010

All's well that ...

...ends with a bath?

Ok, here's from the beginning:  Gizzy and I are on our "summer schedule" now, where we get out of the house by dawn and return home around 9:30 am and hibernate pretty much for the rest of the day.

This morning we watched Bank's Lake wake up ... The refuge contains a variety of habitat types including 1,500 acres of marsh, 1,549 acres of cypress swamp, and 1,000 acres of open water.

We observed a friendly couple heading out onto the lake in hopes of catching some fish!

YES, we did! You tell it, mama!

Weedbeds of coontail, milfoil, spatterdock, and water lilies are everywhere. Banks Lake is a combination of the natural and the manmade. The natural part is the pocosin, or Carolina bay, a natural low-lying area that collects and holds rainwater. The manmade part is the earthen levee that was built in the 1840s.

Banks Lake averages around 5 feet deep, although a few holes go down to 15 feet. Banks Lake is less acidic than most blackwater systems, which allows largemouth bass and other sport fish to thrive in its waters. A fertile system with good water quality, plenty of forage, and a long growing-season make Banks Lake a great place to fish.

After talking to a friend at the Outpost, we moseyed on the boardwalk and back to the car just as the sun was peeking through the trees.

I have never been to "the river" and when people here talk about "the river" it's understood that it's the Alapaha river. This 190 mile long river is a popular place for fishing, boating and recreational activities. It's only about two miles from here, yet, I've never stopped to really look at it. Nice to know that I don't have to drive to the beach to walk barefoot in the sand, because there is plenty. Gizzy blends right in.

We didn't stay long, because I don't fish and the mosquitoes were attacking me...but it was interesting to see. I still want to find another location though, to look at it some more. This one was off the side of the road right under a bridge and it wasn't my favorite spot. The Alapaha is a tributary of the Suwannee River, which flows to the Gulf of Mexico.

Then off to a quick stop at Roquemore Park where the Hydrangeas bloom.

My Hydrangea Boy (L). This Boulder on the right should be called "Gizzy's Rock" or "Gizzy Magnet" because he goes straight towards it as soon as we exit the car. If they ever relocate it, he'll be lost! We met a nice young man and his German Shepherd named Sarah, who ran towards us, but Gizzy (not liking big dogs) had a conniption, so we had to keep our encounter brief.

When we arrived back home around 9:30, I took a shower with the boy and spread some big towels on the floor for him to rub, roll and scoot himself dry. He was pretty "ripe" and all that sand from the river needed to go too. Now he feels much better!

Thanks for coming along!

Remember to enter my Giveaway!


  1. "Gizzy" seems to have a wonderful time no matter where you take him and he sure is a dog who gets to travel and see a lot. However he did not look so super happy at bathtime, or what that just the wet-look? Only one of my dogs actually enjoys bathtime, the rest like to fight me tooth and nails. What is funny....they love to go in a kiddypool. Well, one just never knows.

    Glad you two had such a wonderful morning and hope that the rest of your day will be just as good.


  2. so ya'll are early birds!! Summer is here I think with 90 degree weather and above already. I'm loving it!!

  3. Those hydrangeas are beautiful... those are one of my favorite flowers but can't grow them here in AZ... way too hot for them. Gizzy looks so nice after his bath!

  4. What a beautiful outing you had this morning! Mine was less wonderful - the chiropractors (which was wonderful), the grocery store, post office and getting the oil changed in the car. Now I am home and ready for a nap... Does Gizzy like getting a bath? Winslow loves it!! Stay cool! Love, Silke

  5. What a precious "running buddy" you have in Gizzy. I don't blame him one bit for his "conniption" because how would you like some giant to run at you??? He's a lowrider doggie and those shepherds are TALL!

  6. Gizzy is so cute, you two look like you had a fun morning.

  7. Poor Gizzy . . . she looks so pitiful after her bath. She's sure pretty when she's all dry and fluffy, though! :)

  8. So cute, I bet he felt much better after his bath, even if he didn't like..Spanky doesn't like the bath..when I mention bath he acts as though he has no idea what I'm talking about..he gets the very uninterested look...when I have to come and pick him up to put in the tub,he rolls on his back and gets real limp like a rag doll...but afterwards..he rolls and romps and feels much better, and he smells much better to....

  9. Wonderful pictures, there is nothing cuter than a wet dog, they seem to sad but when it is all over they are so happy and thrilled.

  10. How nice to have such beauty around you. My husband just got back from around Savannah for National Guard training. He LOVES it there.

  11. Aaahahahahha that picture with the tongue is the funniest!!!
    I thought maybe he had a bath because he encountered a skunk or something awful. Glad there was no drama :)

  12. Oh Doris.. Little Gizzy is so photogenic, he just looks adorable in ALL his pictures! LOVE the tubby shots, and he looked very sweet donning the gardenia in your previous post! Well, it was more of a scorcher today than I expected, and tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter! I think I better stock up on the ice cubes tonight, not only for us, but for the animals! Stay cool!.. OH! and love that patriotic rooster in your Etsy widget to the left! CUTE!! I've been very busy with my projects too, between one thing and another! Can't wait to see what you've been working on! ((hugs)) ~tina


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