
Monday, March 29, 2010

I survived the inspection

I'm late with my post, but that's because I've been up most of the night, reorganizing, sorting, reading, reminiscing, condensing, rearranging and cleaning the apartment. Once every three months, we have an inspection or a walk-through, because I live in rental assisted apartments, meaning, everyone pays approximately 30% of their income for rent. Therefore, it's government/state subsidized and inspections are part of the routine. I guess they want to make sure we don't have barn yard animals in here or knocking out walls. It's actually works well for me because I am by nature somewhat of a collector of things for repurposing and recycling; also, my yarn has a way of taking over the apartment, because as all knitters and crocheters know, yarn seems to have some sort of a subliminal power over us. Thus, once every three months, I declutter and do some major housekeeping by taking a bunch of stuff to the garbage bin and having new space to start over again.

Of course, while I was sorting and reading through some of my papers, I came across a couple of old photos from my last visit to Germany - and that, ladies and gents, was back in April of 2003. I can't believe it! It's been that long! (Note to self: buy more photo albums!)

I remember driving through the country side in good ole Bavaria and since it was around Easter Time, the villagers had hung decorated Easter eggs (hollowed out and painted) all around the town's well/fountain (Brunnen) which is Easter tradition where I come from. It looked so cheerful and I decided to sit beside it and have my photo taken by dad. Here are the two photos of the decorated hollowed out eggs hanging around the well.

I had to photograph the photos with my digital in order to show you, but I believe you can make it out if you  increase the percentage a little, like to 200 maybe?

It looks as if I am smelling the daffodils, doesn't it? But, it's just optical illusion a la Papa!

I'll leave you with a fun Easter illustration I found on the German website called where I shop sometimes to quench my German food cravings, such as Himbeersaft, Hagebuttenmarmelade und Himbeerpudding and the occasional Weisswurst (mmmmmm.)


  1. doris these pics are beautiful, loved them... u seem to have an eye for art, lovely xxx

  2. Yay for surviving the inspection! I love the pictures of Germany! So pretty and what a neat tradition :-)

  3. All those eggs, and beautiful flowers around the well like that... on a warm and sunny day.. Looks like the perfect spot to sit a spell! ~tina

  4. Wow! The eggs are amazing and so are the flowers! I painted an egg with a German friend a while ago, and it took a long time to do just one! I can't imagine how long it took to do all of those!

  5. eye opening pictures.
    what fun post!

  6. What a lovely post, I enjoyed it so much! I love the decorated eggs. How old is your dear Papa? hugs, Kerrie

  7. Hi Doris, thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods. I so enjoyed your post tour in Germany. What a beautiful spot. I just love the blogging world. I like seeing things and hearing about other cultures. Thanks for sharing with us.

  8. Doris they decorate the fountains in and around Kitzingen (where I'm from) every year, too. Kitzingen is in northern Bavaria, where are you from?

  9. Well, you know me, I love all things the photos of the decorated well! How unique!!!

    Gosh, the inspection would have me so nervous...I would have to work overtime picking up this mess...

  10. Makes me want to go back for another visit! My family keeps asking when are you coming?! Love, love,!!!


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