
Thursday, December 10, 2009

I've been absent --- and I'm sorry!

I want to apologize to all my blogging friends whose blogs I visit regularly for not commenting. I've been away from the computer for a few days, partially because my Internet was down and partially because I've been running around with a rental trying to get my car taken care of before the Mfg. warranty runs out and partially because I had doctor's appointments and a few more last minute custom orders that I have been rushing to finish. One I have to get mailed today because my customer wants it on Monday. I just didn't want you guys to think I'm dead.

I also heard from Tina via e-mail of Beansie Bables. As most of you know she moved and will try to get back to blogging soon. I was worried because I've not heard from her and hoped nothing had happend to her during her move. I often wondered about that. What if something happened to anyone of us. Notifying ones friends on the Internet is probably the family's last concern. So, I just thought I'd share what I know with those of you that know her - albeit she's probably e-mailed you too.

Well, off to picking up my vehicle from the dealer, then the post office and then more crocheting...I'm a crocheting fool today - I'm a hooker, an Etsy Hooker to be specific - a gal with a hook (what were you thinking?)

Oh, by the by, I won't have Internet access for a while. My contract runs out on the 14th, so until I get a good deal again for another year, I'll be holding off renewing and just use the computer in the library for now. I wont' be able to upload or download from there, so I'll just do the best I can without the pretty pictures ;-)

Before I run off again, I want to show you some photos I took the other day of this red shouldered hawk... they are everywhere right now, hunting and scaring the little critters, but they sure are beautiful! The other morning one ended up on my hedge right outside my apartment, but I was so excited that the picture turned out blurry, besides it was through the screen - not a good shot. I often see them sitting on the ground tugging and stomping at something or another. Every day I can hear them as they fly around making that hawkish cry that they have...I think they are so handsome!


  1. Doris what a wonderful post today, I love that Hawk, and yeah I was wondering about Tina, hadn't heard from her, and thought maybe she gave up the blogging glad she didn't. I am sorry to hear of your busy scedule maybe it will slow down in time for Christmas, so you can relax a little. Have a wonderful day.


    (¸.•´ (¸.+´??¸.+´
    (¸.•´ (¸.+´? Heidi ?)

  2. you are a busy bee!!! Hope you are back with pictures soon, but I enjoy your post anyway. Merry Christmas to you!

  3. Red-shoulder alert!!! You kind of made me forget the rest of your post with those pictures! Lucky you! We used to have a pair nesting on our property but they abandoned us about two years ago.

  4. Doris, you can upload a lot of photos to use later into a account (they are free) and you can then access them from the just put in the address where they are stored on Photobucket into your blog post, just use the "FROM THE WEB" selection when you click the UPLOAD PHOTO item on your Post Compose's easy, just sounds hard...

    I know what you mean about the Internet and how bloggie friends can just "disappear." It is disconcerting to have that connection just suddenly broken and never hear from them again...of course, that happens in "real" life too...


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