
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pet Costume Contest!

LAST DAY TO ENTER: OCT. 14TH I just finished Gizzy's bee costume for the dog show at the Honey Bee Festival on Saturday, which prompted me to have this pet costume contest on my blog as well. Everyone's invited to participate in the fun and to enter your pet(s) in costume via e-mail so that I can post the pictures here. This is not only for dogs, but cats, rats, bunnies, birds, monkeys, donkeys, pigs, horses, llamas...whatever pet you have. After I've received all the entries, I will provide a voting poll so that everybody can vote. Here are the simple 1-2-3 steps to enter: 1. You can submit up to 3 photos of your pet (or pets) to my e-mail address here: (if you use any of my other e-mail addresses, it will most likely get lost or accidentally deleted since I only receive e-mails in my inbox from contacts I have in my address book. 2. Include your pet's name, age, breed, what the costume is or represents (for clarification) and, if you want, include a little something extra about your pet, i.e. what are his/her favorite activities, just to personalize it a little, but this is optional. 3. Include your full name for my records. I will only post your first name and if you want, your link to your Etsy store, Artfire studio or blog, to do a little networking as well. If you don't have a blog/shop, please leave me your e-mail address so that I can contact you. That's it! I will collect entries for two weeks. Last day to submit your entry will be Wednesday, Oct. 14 and then the voting will begin. Anyone can vote, so ask your friends, relatives and colleagues to help. As I mentioned earlier, I will provide a voting poll. Voting will be for one week. Last day to vote will be Wed. Oct. 21. I will try to contact you on the blog/e-mail address you've provided, but PLEASE, make it a point to check back here to see if your pet has won! And now for the fun part: The winner will choose anything from my shop (just click here - you do not need to set up an Etsy account just to look.) You can pick any item(s) in the total amount of $15.00 and I will pay for standard shipping (to USA and Canada only.) I also want to offer prizes for second and third place, but that's still undecided. Once the winner knows what he/she wants, send me another e-mail (or convo, if you already have an Etsy account) with your address so that I can send it to you. I hope you all think that's incentive enough to get started. As for myself, I simply want to see all your critters in costume. I love animals and love people that love them ;-) Another kind blogger by the name of Lani posted a link on her dogblog to invite people to enter my contest. Why don't you go and see all her dogs on that can get your dog on there too. She also has one for cats and other pets. For inspiration, here's a few more of Gizzy's photos. I crocheted his frock and made the antennae, but the butterfly, which serves as the wings, was given to me by a neighbor. It was in her garden, but broken off from the stick, so she was just going to throw it away. I asked her for it, because I think this butterfly makes excellent bee wings, don't you? Standing, looking a bit drowsy. I woke him up for the photo session. Streeetching because, my gosh! I interrupted his siesta. The whole thing's just one big yawn ;-) Back view. I think the ornamental garden butterfly looks great as wings, don't you? I'll be sure to groom him before we go to the Honey Bee Festival on Saturday, so that he'll look extra spiffy. Wish us luck!


  1. Oh doesn't Gizzy look smart in his busy bee costume! You did a great job of crotcheting it Doris.
    Warmest hugs,

  2. P.S. I forgot to mention, I am having a GIVEAWAY on my blog, pop over and enter, it's open to everyone!

  3. Thank you, Sandi, I'll check it out as soon as I get back from our evening walk.

    Kind Greetings,
    your friends Doris and Gizzy ;-)

  4. That butterfly is perfect for the bee wings. "Honey," he sure is cute as can "bee" and everyone will be "buzzing" about that cute costume!!!

  5. My pets don't have costumes, but I let my friends know!

    I LOVE Gizzy's costume! It looks like he is so comfortable in it!

  6. Doris please please please send me a picture of this little guy for the dog blog ......god bless....He can be our Haloween mascot....

  7. Gizzy is sure to win in that adorable costume! It is so cute and made so well! I love him in that, especially with those wings. Good luck, Lise

  8. Oh my goodness, this is absolutely adorable!

  9. OMG, I can't believe how calm Gizzy is, even with the costume!
    I'm trying to figure out which one of my spazzy pets would be most likely to put up with a costume for 3 seconds, LOL.

  10. I know what you mean LoneseomeRoad...I have one of those, too. This cat of mine will have a conniption when all I do is put the Advantage drops on the back of her neck ...

  11. He is the CUTEST dog EVER!! AWWW! I absolutely LOVE the bee costume, especially the anntenae!!

  12. Oh how cute cute cute is this little bee

  13. Popped over from Fairy's blog to vote for you Gizzy. He is precious. What a neat idea. Stop by sometime.

  14. I'm a day late and a dollar short but that doesn't mean this cutie pie is any less ADORABLE! My dogs are BIG so they look a little silly dressed up so I just ♥ the little ones☺


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