
Monday, August 24, 2009

Puppetry Progress Report

I promised to keep you informed of my progress concerning my puppeteering efforts. I already wrote the play, today I made the flyer on my computer and since I'm out of ink, I'm making copies at the library. Here's what it looks like: Since the actual plays last only about half an hour, I decided to have three performances, one on Friday afternoon and one each on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Each session begins with a brief introduction and a short explanation of Puppetry history and therapeutic benefits. My main goal at this time is to collect feedback and suggestions in order to conduct a quality performance. As I said before, the play is laid out in such a way, that just two puppets are on stage at any particular time. It is a very simple script for the very young. Here are the five players for "A King's Lullaby and the mischieveous Monkey" Top L > R: King, Princess, Policeman/Bobby Bottom L > R: Kasperle, Monkey They look pretty much ready, except for a little spot cleaning and ironing of frocks. I still have to find (or make) some props (a picnic basket, trees, rope - don't worry, nobody's going to get hung) but the biggest part will be making my stage. I already have a good idea in mind, so that I can start working on that tomorrow or today after I get back from the library and distributing some flyers. Yesterday I learned about the Valdosta FreeMarket Classifieds where one can place all kinds of ads for free online, sort of like Craigs List, but provided by Valdosta Daily Times, so I placed an ad and now I'm totally committed...sounds scary, doesn't it? (NOTE: I just received an inquiry from a small Christian school about performing for them - that was quick!) I have enough card board boxes to make a table top stage. I need to find my glue and stapler. I have some scrap material I can use and some paints, only I have to use them sparingly since they are not inexpensive poster paints, but my acrylics for painting pictures...I'm determined to use only what I have around the house this time, because all too often I went all gung-ho about a project and spent a lot of money on supplies, only to let it fall by the wayside. (Yeah, the old gal actually learned something over the years!) Off to the library. Ta-ta!


  1. Good for you, for having what are probably the most expensive parts of your project, to help get you started! I am excited to hear about your first performance!

  2. Okay, Sweetie, this is what you do:

    Simply make a post of your Rooster pictures on your blog. After you post...come over to Bella Vista and click into the links on my sidebar. You will comment on as many blogs as you are comfortable in doing. I will leave the links up for a week as we have almost 180 blogs participting! This is a great way to meet new friends and expose others to YOUR blog.

    I do hope you are good to have you with us.

    Barb :-)

  3. I can't believe about the quick response I got from that free ad yesterday - I'm anxiously awaiting the Pastor's wife's response because she wants me to perform a Bible story play for the children in her small Christian school.


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